Chapter 14: Sweet Things Are Dangerous

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Trixie rummaged through her clothing rack until she found the little pink japanese school uniform she was looking for. She put on an intricate lingerie set which had ribbons going everywhere, and thigh highs, and some white heels before she started to put on the little schoolgirl outfit.

 She put on an intricate lingerie set which had ribbons going everywhere, and thigh highs, and some white heels before she started to put on the little schoolgirl outfit

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If this was two weeks ago she'd probably be scared to change in front of the others, but now only excitement filled her as she thought about performing again

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If this was two weeks ago she'd probably be scared to change in front of the others, but now only excitement filled her as she thought about performing again.
Katya had already gotten dressed and was now out at the bar with Pete.

"Oh, you're dressed up, Katya finally gave in?" Kim asked as she came to sit down next to Trixie, clearly recognizing that the Barbie wasn't wearing any of their duo outfits.

"Yeah, thank god. I'm working the floor for the first half and then doing one number. I figured this would be good for walking around, and I also don't feel like changing tonight, so I think I'll be performing in this." Trixie replied.

"It looks good, very Trixie and very IQ Kitty." Kim agreed. "You must be relieved that she's finally stopped being so overprotective." Kim added after putting on a layer of peach lipstick.

"I am, I'm happy to get back out there, nervous but happy." Trixie stated as she corrected the little scarf on the uniform. Kim pulled her into a quick hug.

"You'll be fine, I get that you're nervous, but we've all got your back, Trix." Kim stated while holding both of Trixie's hands.

Kim was easily becoming one of the best friends Trixie had ever had. They'd talk about anything, borrow clothes from eachother, they'd even had a sleepover. It was nice to have a friend who she could be compeltly open with without there being any form of judgement.

"Thank you Kimberly Chi."

"Stop calling me Kimberly, Tracy Martell." Kim said jokingly as she hit Trixie's shoulder, making Trixie release a laugh that sounded more like a bird screaming than anything else.

"Who's getting murdered?" Violet said as she entered the room. "Oh, nevermind it's just Trixie laughing." She added when she spotted the pink haired girl.

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