Chapter 29: Where We Found The Courage

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As Katya made her way through the room, watching over everything to make sure all was well, she heard a voice call out behind her accompanied by a slow clap.

"Well, well, that was quite a show, tho I think I would have enjoyed it more if my Barbie wasn't performing for you. I thought you wanted us to be over this stealing-dancers crap, Yekaterina." Katya knew the voice could only belong to one man, and she thanked the skies above for the fact that Trixie was in the dressing room along with Kim and Jaida.

"Bill, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" She said in an overly sweet tone as she turned to face the brute.

"I think you know, Kathinka. Your little bitch tried to kill me, and I want someone to pay for it. I could go to the police you know, get that sweet angel of yours locked up." He said, anger seeping through his every word.

Bill hated loosing. Hated anyone standing up against him, and especially if it was a woman.
That was why he was there.

"Yeah, but we both know you're not going to. You wouldn't want me telling them about all your side businesses, would you? So, spit it out, what do you want?" Katya said with a bored expression. She had the upper hand this time, and he knew it.

"Simple, just give me the doll and we'll be on our way. " He stated with a sinister grin.

"Hmmm, let me think about that... No." Katya said in a sarcastic tone before getting gravely serious on the last word. As if she would ever let Trixie return to that monster's clutches.

"Don't make this difficult, Yekaterina. You will give her to me, that bitch deserves hell for what she did. I have every right to demand justice." He said raising his voice in anger.

"Justice? Oh darling, you've got it all backwards once again. Such an unfortunate habit of yours.
You deserve hell for what you tried to do to her. She had every right to hit you with that ashtray, I'm just sorry you didn't bleed out like you deserve. Now, if you don't remove yourself from my premises immediately, I'll be happy to finish the job she started. And if you ever set foot in here again, or even come near Trixie, I will kill you with my bare hands. And remember Bill, you taught me well, I know how to make it look like an accident." Katya said, her Russian accent strong, her eyes dark, and a smirk on her lips. She exuded power and control in that moment.

Katya was no longer the woman that Bill had met all those years ago. That woman was scared and lost, the woman she was now was powerful and ready for anything he threw at her. She was ready to take him down.

The Russian stared the man down until he finally left without another word said. Moments later a curvy girl threw herself into the blue eyed woman's arms, waves of blonde hair flashing in front of her before she felt Trixie pressed against her.

"Are you insane?! What if he had hurt you?" Trixie yelled as she pulled away from the embrace, slightly surprising Katya as she had more so expected a thank you.

"Кукла, it's sweet that you're worried about me, but I had the upper hand, I knew he wouldn't do anything." Katya said with a soft smile as she watch a blush rise on Trixie's cheeks, her eyes at the ground as she shuffled her feet shyly, suddenly seeming far more like the girl Katya had met when the Barbie first arrived.

She gently lifted the young girl's chin up, making her brown eyes meet the Russian's blue again, before carefully tucking a stray lock behind the angel's ear.

"Besides, I can't have him thinking that stealing you away again is an option." Katya said sweetly, a warm smile on her lips.

"What about everything you said about him wanting to hurt me because he thought you cared about me?" Trixie asked, slightly mumbling.

"It's still true, but trying to hide it didn't help either of us last time, did it? And, it's quite obvious that I love you at this point isn't it?" Katya replied as a matter of factly. She heard a slight gasp go through the room, only now remembering that they had an audience. Trixie blushed a deep red as she saw their customers look towards the pair of them, many of them murmuring amongst themselves about the confession.

"Okay, I suppose your right." The brown eyed beauty answered shyly, her adorable nature never seizing to amaze the older woman.

"Also, since we have an audience, and since I've wasted far too much time being scared. I have something to ask you." Katya announced.

"What?" Trixie said, looking highly confused and slightly embarrassed.

"Trixie, I love you, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to ask this, but will you please be my girlfriend?" Katya asked softly.
She didn't make it a joke as she usually would. Every word was dripping with love and care, not a hint of sarcasm or uncertainty.
Katya was finally living her life without fear.

Trixie remained silent as small crystals started to drip down her cheeks and a wide smile emerged on her lips.

"Yes, yes, of course I will! I love you so much." The young girl said before throwing herself in Katya's arms once more, giggling as the older woman lifted her up and spun them around as applause was heard around the room.
Katya couldn't help but smile at the scenario's likeness to that of a marriage proposal. Hoping that maybe some day that would be the question she got to ask. But for now this was all she could ever want.

Trixie was finally hers, officially.

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