Chapter 2: A Vision In Purple

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Trixie was nervous. It had been 2 days since her last visit to Club Katya, but tonight she would officially start working there. A part of her was excited tho, mostly because going back meant seeing Katya again.
She knew that Katya was older, but the woman was quite possibly the hottest person Trixie had ever seen. Her long blonde hair, her bright green-blue eyes, her bright red lips, her perfect blue-white teeth, her russian accent, her defined cheekbones, everything was attractive about her in Trixie's opinion. 

Katya had asked Trixie to come in early in order to test her dance skill and decide if she'd be working the floor or the main stage tonight. She had explained that if Trixie was up to it and was good enough, it would be great to introduce her officially to their clientele. 

When Trixie entered the club she was greeted by Katya and a girl she hadn't seen before. The girl was beautiful tho, stunning actually, and she had a figure that in someways mirrored Trixie's own. 

"Trixie! Good to see you again. Come meet Monet." Katya said brightly. 

"Hi, I'm Trixie Mattel, it's nice to meet you." Trixie said extending her hand, feeling shy and small once again.

"Hey, I'm Monet X Change, great to meet you too, doll. I'm heading out for some errands, but I'll catch you later allright?" The woman said with a huge smile on her face, Trixie just nodded and smiled brightly. Monet seemed to be the embodiment of every talk show host ever, she was so inviting, and Trixie was looking forward to getting to know her. Trixie also swore to herself that if Monet had a talk show, she'd have watched every single episode.

"You ready to try to hit the stage, милая?" Katya asked. Trixie nodded, and headed towards the  stage. She had put on a long sleeved, patterned white and pink dress, but had one of the lingerie sets underneath, she also made sure to wear her white heels. Katya had told her that she didn't need to be dressed exactly like she would be dressed on stage, but that she still needed to strip while dancing in order for Katya to see if she was comfortable enough to be put on stage right away.

Trixie felt confident in her choice of outfit and was excited to see Katya's reaction to the lingerie as Katya hadn't seen it when she picked them out. She still felt nervous about performing, but somehow being on stage seemed more like singing in front of an audience to her than doing lap dances for people on the floor did, so she wanted to be up there as much as possible.

She had been instructed to pick 3 songs, and she had chosen 3 that she thought fit her and would make her feel comfortable. So on slightly shaky legs she took to the stage.

As the first song played she walked slowly to the center, her right hand softly grabbing the pole as she circled it calmly, just before the beat started picking up she body rolled with the pole behind her and her arms above her, gribbing it tightly.

As the beat picked up she walked confidently towards the imaginary audience, dropping to her knees right in front of the center table, slowly removing her dress while rolling her body to the beat.

She looked towards Katya as the light purple corset was revealed, emphazising how her breasts threatened to spill out of the top of it by squeezing them together before running her hands down her body until she reached her thighs. 

She was happy with her little performance when she saw Katya's jaw drop and her tounge coming out to wet her cherry colored lips

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She was happy with her little performance when she saw Katya's jaw drop and her tounge coming out to wet her cherry colored lips.

The song switched to I'm Fakin.

Trixie liked how playful it was, it was flirty and fun. She pulled herself off the floor and picked up the pace of her dancing. Body rolls and backbends made up the most of her routine as she made her way towards the pole. She kept eye contact with Katya, but also made sure to tell the story of the song through her dancing. She leaned towards the pole as she ran her hands through her long hair and up and down her body.

As the song switched again she gripped the pole, expertimentally throwing her legs around it and spinning before leaning back and extending one leg out. When she did cheer her coach had sent them to many courses in other fields like ballet and on one occassion pole dancing. Trixie had been shy but had participated anyways and learned that she was in fact quite good at it. 

She spun herself down to the floor, laying on her back and moving her hands across her body, letting herself forget where she was for a moment and letting herself imagine that it was Katya's hands touching her. She slowly pulled herself back up from the floor, getting up on her knees and crawling to the edge of the stage, spreading her knees once she reached the front and stroking up and down each thigh, alternating between the right and left on beat with the music. 

She leaned back again, turning her body sideways and kicking her legs elegantly in the air before getting back up. She walked over to the pole again, swaying her hips and running her hands through her hair. She jumped up again, catching the pole with one hand and spinning herself to the floor once more, hitting the floor as the song finished.

The room was silent when the music died out. No one spoke, no one clapped, it was just silent. 

Was it really that bad? - Trixie thought, getting up from the floor and suddenly feeling the need to cover up again. But when she got up she saw that a crowd of girls stood next to Katya, all of them gawking at her. 

"Wow." She heard a voice say.

"Yeah.. she's...yeah, just wow." Another answered.

Suddenly applause erupted and Trixie curtsied slightly as she pushed her hair behind her ear shyly and picked up her discarded dress. She pulled the piece of clothing over her head, feeling safe in the comfort of the long sleeves that she could tug on. She made her way off stage and was greeted by new faces and some familiar ones.

"Hey, I'm Farrah, you were incredible up there." A young looking, blonde girl with a lot of highlighter on stated. 

"Thank you." Trixie replied shyly.

"Seriously, you're great." Another girl chimed in.


"Kim, Kim Chi." She spoke. Something about Kim made Trixie want to know her, maybe it was her similar sense of artistic, over-the-top makeup.

"Trixie, nice to meet you." 

"Well, introductions are clearly in order. You've met Monet, Kim and Farrah already. That's Tatianna, the one in the insanly cinched corset is Violet, this bitch is Bob, the gorgeous one over there is Jaida, over there's your innocent twin Blair, miss uninterested is Pearl, and last but not least there's the overly positive Dela." Katya explained, pointing around the room to all the different girls before walking over to Trixie and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Everyone, this is Trixie Mattel our very own IQ Kitty." She introduced. After a bit more small talk with everyone, the other girls left the room, leaving only Trixie and Katya.

"You were amazing Trixie, you're easily already one of the best ones here. I'd like you to open tonight." Katya said. Trixie was in shock at the suggestion, but also honored. 

"Thank you, and okay... It's a bit frightening, but okay, I'll open." Trixie said making Katya smile and step closer to her.

"You're gonna do amazing, кукла. I believe in you." Katya said, playing with a couple strands of Trixie's hair as she spoke.

"This place, it may not be much, but you're gonna be a star." Katya said, kissing Trixie's cheek before leading her into the dressing room.

Tonight is gonna be interesting. - Trixie thought.

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