Chapter 21: When Everything Ends With The Sunset

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Sometimes... your mind runs away from you before you can stop it.
Trixie felt like that.
Her mind was spinning.
Katya seemed like an island she'd never arrive at.
Everytime they got close, Katya hesitated and Trixie's words got away from her.
The world around her didn't seem bright, even during the day.
Her mind clouded with doubts and fears that were slowly being confirmed one by one.

She was being replaced.
Why wouldn't she be?
At every chance Katya would run to Courtney whilst Trixie was left behind. Like a rule the older women's spot always seemed to be by the door.

Nicky's words rang in her ears like a mantra, sang her to sleep, invaded her dreams. The moon rising with her wishes of ignorance, wanting to return to a time before her life was haunted with the possibility that she really meant nothing to the person she had come to love.

"Well, that was some shitshow you guys had out there. You okay?" Violet said as Trixie sat down at her makeup table, reluctantly preparing for the evening.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Trixie huffed out.

"Well, okay then." The ridiculously skinny girl replied, clearly sounding unconvinced.

The show had already started, Trixie could hear Katya's music playing. She had seen the Russian rehearse the number enough times to be able to imagine it in her head as she painted her intricate makeup on.

Tatianna would be going on stage soon, Violet was performing after that, but as usual she waited to the last minute to enter the backstage area, remaining in the dressing room to put the finishing touches on her makeup and pull her corset impossibly tighter.

No one else was in the dressing room, and Trixie figured this might be her only chance to get some answers to the questions that circled her mind.

"Hey Violet, did you and Katya ever date?" She asked, her voice coming out small.

"Huh? Is this like a jealousy thing, 'cause I don't wanna be in the middle of whatever it is that's going on with you two. I'm not competition, Trixie." Violet said, visibly annoyed, then again when wasn't she?

"No, no it's not, just tell me. Did you ever date?" Trixie asked again, internally begging that the answer would be no. Begging for Nicky to be wrong. Begging for the French woman to have lied to her.

"Well, yes, we did. It was like.. years ago, but we dated for a while." Trixie felt her heart sink to her stomach.
That simple "yes" hurting the brown eyed girl more than anything in the world.

"Do you remember why it ended?" Trixie asked, needing all the answers.

"Not really, like I said, it was years ago... I guess we just drifted apart? We started dating before I worked here and a while after I joined, then we just kind of dwindled out... I think I just figured that Katya thought it was complicating business, and that it was better for us just to be boss and employee." Violet responded.

Everything added up with what Nicky said. Katya and Violet started dating before she came to work there, and they'd ended a while after.
It all made sense.

Trixie had tried so desperately to convince herself that Nicky hadn't told her the truth, but now she seemed like the only person who actually was truthful.

"Did she ever date Nicky? You know, the girl who used to work here?" Trixie asked in a broken voice.

"Nicky? Why the fuck are you asking about her? She's gone, Trixie, what the fuck does it matter?" Violet said as she placed up her high heeled boots.

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