Chapter 19: Through The Night

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A ringtone sounded through Katya's dark bedroom and pulled her out of her much needed sleep. She leaned over to her bedside table and retrieved her phone, not bothering to look at the screen to see who it was.

"Katyaaaaa. Hiiiii!" She heard Trixie's voice slur out. She sat up in her bed in an effort to wake herself up.

"Trixie? Are you okay?" Katya asked, worried about the unfamiliar state of the girl.

"I'm greeeeaaat! Or... I think I might not be.... I think I'm mad at you... but... I don't remember why? I feel like I'm floating... I feel like a mountain biking vampire witch...from the futuuure.. hey, can I please get another? Thank youuu..." Trixie spoke incoherently.

"Trixie, are you drunk?" Katya asked, allthough it was pretty obvious at this point. She also couldn't help but wonder why the pink haired doll was supposedly mad at her, although the girl had mentioned feeling off.

"Yesssszzz, it's sooo nice... I don't have to think when I'm drunk, all the scary thoughts just..go away. I think I was sad, so I went here, and now I'm not." Trixie stated, sounding almost like a child. If it was any other situation, Katya would probably have cooed over how adorable she sounded.

"Listen, Trix. I need you to share you location with me. Go into your phone, and share where you are. Okay? Can you do that for me, кукла?"

"Okayyy!" The girl exclaimed happily, sending it immediately.
"Wait why?" She added after a second.

"Because I'm coming to get you." Katya stated as she got dressed and gathered her things.

She drove as quickly as possible, terrified that something might happen to Trixie. There were more than enough creeps who'd easily take advantage of someone like her, and with the girl being so drunk, it wouldn't be difficult.

When she got to the bar she stormed inside seeing a large man leaned over the counter next to her angel, his hand traveling up the young girl's thigh.

"Hey, get the fuck away from her!" Katya yelled as she twisted the man's arm so it was completely removed from Trixie's body.

"Jesus, calm down you psychopath. I was just talking to the girl." The man replied. Katya let go of his arm and pushed him slightly.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's all you were doing." She replied sarcastically.
The man just huffed and walked away.

"Ooh, scary." Trixie laughed like a little girl, clapping her hands together. Katya sat down on the stool next to her.

"Hey, кукла. How you feeling?"

"Sleepy... sad... lonely... but I make loneliness work for me." She giggled out. Katya shook her head and laughed at Trixie's statement.

"Okay, you lone wolf. What do you say we get you outta here, huh?" Katya suggested as she stood up, gently pulling the girl up from her seat, reaching around her so she could walk her out.

"Mhmm..." Trixie replied drowsily.

Katya quickly found out Trixie was incapable of walking even with her support, so she carried her bridal style to the car, gently laying Trixie down in the backseat.

When they got to the brown eyed girl's apartment, she had fallen asleep. Katya found Trixie's keys in the girl's back pocket and carried Trixie inside.

She looked so peaceful, so young, so innocent to Katya as she layed her down on her baby pink sheets.
Katya carefully removed her shoes, her shorts and her hoodie.
In Trixies closet she found a t-shirt with the words "80% sexy 20% disgusting" which actually belonged to Katya, and some white pajama shorts.

She put the shorts on first before she gently removed Trixie's bra, trying not to look despite having seen her breasts before, and putting the large t-shirt on the younger girl.

She walked to Trixie's bathroom to retrieve some painkillers before getting a glass of water from the doll's kitchen.
Just as she had returned and placed the items on the little white table next to Trixie's bed, her honey brown eyes fluttered open.

"Katya? What are you doing here?" She asked innocently, her words still slightly slurred.

"I just brought you home, детка. Why were you out drinking alone, sweetheart?" Katya asked as she gently pushed some strands of cotton candy hair behind the girl's ear.

"I don't know.... maybe she's born with it, maybe it's clinical depression." Trixie giggled out, providing Katya with no answers once again. The Russian picked up the younger girl's hand and placed a soft kiss on it.

"Okay, кукла. Get some sleep, I'll call you in the morning." Katya said as she prepared to walk out.

"Katya?" Trixie spoke, stopping Katya.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Could you stay?" The girl asked in a small and shy voice. Katya nodded and pulled off her pants, leaving her only in a ripped band tshirt that she usually slept in, and layed down next to Trixie.

She pulled the pink haired angel close and stroked her back in a calming motion. Trixie seemed so fragile and small in that moment, upset for reasons unknown to Katya, she seemed so lost.

"Katya? Would you ever lie to me?" Trixie whispered drowsely, just barely getting the words out as she dissapeared into the land of dreams before the Russian had a chance to answer.

Katya considered her question.
Would she lie? No.
Leave out the truth? Yes, she already had.

The full truth was too painful.
Trixie was too pure.
Despite their proffesion, despite Trixie's past, that girl remained a wonderfully innocent dream.

Katya knew she didn't deserve her, that's why the girlfriend title scared her so much. She was falling deeper and deeper and it terrified her.
She wasn't good with relationships, never had been. When things got beyond dating Katya would panic and run away, throw herself into work instead.

Trixie deserved better than that, better than her. For every day she spent with the angel that fact became clearer, and yet she couldn't let go of her.

Trixie deserved someone who could make her dreams come true.
Someone who could take her out every night.
Someone who could get her a lifesize Barbie Dreamhouse.
Someone who didn't have Katya's messed up past.

How could someone like Katya ever deserve to call a girl like Trixie hers?

A/N: Thanks to cuteedirectionx for chapter idea 💛

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