Chapter 7: Aurora Blue in the Promise of Me and You

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A/N: I don't really do smut warnings, this book is marked mature for a reason as you've all probably already realised. But, I'll add one now, just know that this is your first and only warning.


After dinner they'd sat down to watch Jawbreaker, mostly because it was one of Trixie's favorites. But it was also wierd and dark enough for Katya to apparently enjoy it.

They were sat on Katya's couch, Trixie leaning her head in the crook of the Russian's neck. Katya's hand in her hair, playing with the pink strands.
The movie had ended and they were sitting there in silence now, but somehow it wasn't awkward.

Trixie couldn't help but feel like the entire day seemed surreal.
Somehow she'd gone from performing at a strip club, to being on some sort of date like thing with her unrealstically sexy boss and colleague.
She had never met anyone like Katya, so unafraid of showing interest in another woman.

Trixie had flings before, but they never went anywhere. They never could, her stepdad made sure of that.
The town was also a rumor mill, everything spread like wildfire so none of the girls she had been with ever wanted their sexuality known, most even insisted they were straight.
Being around someone who showed their interest so openly as Katya was refreshing to say the least.

"I like this." She said, snuggling closer to Katya. She older woman chuckled a little at the sudden statement.

"What, детка?"

"This, whatever this is, being with you. I'm not used to girls who aren't ashamed of taking an interest in me." She said honestly.

"People aren't accepting where you're from?" She asked, turning towards Trixie on the couch.

"Not really, no. My folks were also quite homophobic, well I've never known my dad, but my stepdad was kind if extreme." She said, a little embarrassed that she was telling Katya her life story. Katya was just easy to talk to for some reason.

"Did he ever... hurt you?" Katya asked carefully. Trixie felt a tear roll down her cheek as she nodded a little.

"Mhm, let's not go into that, today is for smiling, remember?" Trixie said laughing a little through her tears. She'd never talked about it, and it felt too much to lay all of it on Katya when they'd only just met. The last thing she wanted was to push the older woman away.

"Sure, детка, just know I'll be here to listen when you are ready." Katya told her gently.

"Thank you." Trixie said before leaning in to kiss Katya softly. Her lips were soft and plump, a mixture of vodka and cigarettes left on them still despite the meal they'd had after the club's closing time.
On anyone else, Trixie was sure she'd have found it gross, but on Katya the taste was addicting.

She leaned over again and pushed her lips harsher onto Katya's. The older woman wasted no time and reciprocated Trixie's advances, sliding her tounge between Trixie's lips and moaning as their tounge came into contact again. Katya reached over and lifted Trixie on to her lap.
Trixie was slightly worried about squashing her, but Katya seemed unbothered by her weight.

The kiss was passionate and rough, Katya only disconnecting their lips to reach down and pull off Trixie's shirt, staring at her in awe when she saw that Trixie wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"You are the sexiest and most beautiful woman in the world, did you know?" Katya said, not letting giving her time to argue against the statement by reconnecting their lips again.

Katya's hands were everywhere, touching, squeezing, stroking, scratching. Her hands pushed off Trixie's pants and panties before she pulled off her own clothes, leaving them both entirely bare on the couch.

"Let's go to the bed, детка." Katya said as she pulled Trixie with her towards the bedroom. Trixie layed down carefully on the bed, as she had earlier that same night, reaching out for Katya to join her.

"No детка, anticipation is everything. Touch yourself for me, give me a show just like you did on that stage tonight." Katya said in a deep, gravely tone, her Russian accent more prominent now than Trixie had ever heard it. It sent wetness down her thighs and made her legs tremble.

Something about Katya's words made her feel the need to obey so with a shaky hand and red cheeks she reached down.
As her fingers made contact with her swollen clit, she shuddered.
She was more turned on than she had ever been, the teasing from earlier already enough to put her on edge. She carefully slid one of her fingers inside and moaned loudly.

"That's it, Trixie. Moan for me, кукла, show me how much you want me. Do you want me to help you? Do you want my hands on you?"

Trixie moaned louder at Katya's words and nodded frantically.

"Please Katya, please touch me. I need you." She almost felt like crying from desperation, she needed release.

Katya finally joined Trixie on the bed, tapping Trixie's thighs slightly so she'd spread them so Katya could situate herself between them. The Russian kissed and licked the inside of Trixie's thighs, making her shake in anticipation.

"Katya please, stop teasing. Please fuck me." She whined out. Katya's eyes darkened before she finally let her mouth go where Trixie needed it most, licking in circles around her clit. She entered a finger slowly, letting it enter deeply before curling it upwards into the spot that made Trixie see stars.

"Ah Katya! M-more, please!" She moaned out, desperately chasing her high. Katya added another finger, pumping faster.

"Oh babygirl, you're so wet for me, so so wet, кукла. You're so good for me." Katya spoke in the same gravelly voice from earlier. Her thickened Russian accent once again making Trixie drip out on the sheets.

"Oh, you like when I talk dirty to you? You wanna hear how sinful you look, all out on display for me? Your pussy dripping on the sheets with every word I say. You're so gorgeous кукла, I can't wait to see how you look when you come undone. You're almost there aren't you?"

Trixie nodded quickly at Katya's words, she was so close. Katya's fingers were fucking her so hard and deep, her words pushing Trixie closer.  Katya let her tounge circle Trixie's clit again and reach up to squeeze her full breast, and with that the pink haired girl was coming undone.

She felt as tho the entire room disappeared as she finally reached her high, feeling Katya continuing to touch her all throughout until she finally came down.

"That, that was amazing." Trixie said dreamily. Katya pulled her fingers put and licked them seductively, making Trixie's eyes widen slightly. She reached out for the blonde, desperate to feel her lips against hers again.

Trixie moaned as she could taste herself as Katya's tounge entered her mouth. As their lips disconnected, Katya pushed some of Trixie's lock behind her ear.

"You're incredible, Trixie." My beautiful angel." Katya layed down beside Trixie, pulling her close until they were spooning.

"Wait, what about you?" Trixie asked panicked. She hated people who only cared about their own pleasure and didn't care if their partner had finished.

"Some other time, кукла. You're tired, it's late, and we have work tomorrow. We should get some sleep." Katya said sweetly before kissing the top of her head making Trixie giggle.

"So there might be another time?" Trixie asked shyly after a moment of silence.

"Of course, кукла. I know better than to let go of something good." Katya practically whispered.

Trixie turned her head to kiss Katya's shoulder before snuggling closer to her. Content in the knowledge that whatever this was wouldn't just be over in the morning.

They'd have more time.

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