Chapter 15: Burn Me With Your Loving

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Katya didn't want to admit it, but she was burning with jealousy after watching Trixie's lap dance.
Watching the man's hands caress the curves of the pink haired girl's body.
Watching his eyes burn with desire for the young girl as Trixie's full ass ground down on his crotch.

Katya had wanted to walk over there and pull Trixie off him, but she knew couldn't.
Firstly, it wouldn't be fair after Trixie had begged her to let her dance again.
Secondly, it would have been disastrous for business as the man did nothing wrong.
And thirdly, Trixie wasn't Katya's, no matter how much Katya could make the girl moan that she was.

As she walked out for her numbers, she was determined to make the girl's honey brown eyes focus only on her.
Make Trixie desperate and wanting, in need of her touch.

The first song started playing when she reached the back of the stage. Katya had decided to do some of her famous Russian numbers, she was the Red Scare after all.

As she danced she imagined Trixie dancing beside her. In her fantasy she saw herself crawling on top of the pink haired angel and pushing her down on the floor.

She looked towards Trixie as she pushed her hand down, imagining the girl's ass beneath it.

Katya saw the Barbie's eyes widen as she lifted her leg up next to her ear and extended it fully, showing off her flexible body. She smirked as she saw the girl squirm slightly, loving the way Trixie's body reacted to her even without her having to lay a finger on the young girl.

The second song was slower, more sensual. Her movements a mix of slow and deliberate backbends and leg extensions, and quick small accents and isolations.

At the end of the song she rolled off the floor and slowly stripped of her leather jacket, throwing it into the wings, making the crowd roar.
She knew how to hold an audience, keep them eating out of the palm of her hand. Nothing about Katya's performances was ever half done.
It was always executed to perfection, every movement working itself into the next with wonderous fluidity.

Her last number was in english, she usually did this to keep anyone who didn't like the Russian songs interested. The number was fast paced, slightly hardhitting, and demanded some of Katya's signature tricks along with her insane flexibility.

She saw Trixie's jaw go slack from the multiple splits throughout the choreography, and Katya smirked at the sight knowing that the brown eyed girl's attention was solely on her.

As the last song came to an end she walked over to the wing to get the microphone from one of the stage workers.

"Thank you everyone! We've had a great night, but the evening is coming to a close. As always, I'd like to remind everyone that there's still a chance to get some privates after the show. But before we go, as promised, our IQ Kitty is closing our show with a solo number. So, without further ado, please welcome your favorite mathlete, the one and only Trixie!" Katya announced before walking to the wings as Trixie made her way to the stage with a bright smile.

When Katya saw her beaming face she felt a little bad for keeping her away from performing for so long, even if it was to protect the girl.

As Trixie sat down on the chair that was brought on stage by the stage hands however, her expression abruptly changed into a confident and seductive smirk.

Katya watched her in awe, she remembered Trixie being good, but this performance was next level.
Not a hint of uncertainty or insecurity. Every single movement carefully executed, and the innocent vibe of the pink uniform mixed with her attitude and confidence gave her an irresistible corrupted schoolgirl vibe.

Katya also couldn't help think about the line of the song that said;"girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble" as she looked down at the dark ink that decorated her own skin.

As the song entered the last chorus, Trixie removed her uniform piece by piece, leaving her in the intricate lingerie set with pink ribbons that wrapped around her body like a harness.

Katya almost drooled at the way the ribbons dug into Trixie's soft skin as she moved, her full breasts prominent and pushed up making them seem impossibly larger, thigh highs traveling up the length of her endlessly long legs.

The audience erupted in cheers, and Katya had to remind herself to get out there, only snapping out of her trance when Trixie winked at her as she walked off stage, her hips swinging from side to side. Katya cleared her throat a little before speaking, her mouth suddenly seeming as dry as a desert.

"Give it up one more time for the incredibly IQ Kitty, miss Trixie! I'm sure we can all agree that we missed seeing her on stage." Katya said into the microphone, seeing a cute smile on Trixie's lips after her statement as the girl realised that Katya would no longer be keeping her off stage.

"Thank you everyone for being a marvelous audience, remember to leave your tips for Trixie with Jeff and Ron, and feel free to hang around until the bar closes as you'll still be able get privates and lap dances." Katya said before making her way backstage.

As soon as she reached Trixie she attacked the girl's lips, her hands grabbing onto the flesh of her ass making the brown eyed girl moan into their kiss.

"So I take it you'll stop being an overprotective Mommy and let me dance?" Trixie said in a teasing tone once they disconnected, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
Katya tried not to let her see how much the little nickname affected her, fully unaware until then that she even liked being called that.

"Yeah, you can dance." She said in a half whisper as her lips attached themselves to Trixie's neck.

"Mhmm Katya." Trixie moaned softly, sending shivers down her spine.

"Let's go to mine, babygirl." She whispered in the girl's ear to which Trixie nodded, taking Katya's hand and letting her lead her upstairs.

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