Chapter 16: She Took Me To The Sky

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Pink ribbons layed everywhere, covering the hardwood floor of Katya's bedroom. Trixie's once beautiful, intricate lingerie set ripped to shreds by Katya's impatient hands.
The ribbon harness had mocked her, kept her from freely caressing the curves of her doll, and so she had cut and ripped it off Trixie's full form until she layed completely bare in front of the older blonde.

"Fuck Trixie, you're so hot." Katya groaned as she reached for Trixie's breasts, loving the feel of the soft flesh and the way they would spill out of her hands.

"Fuck Trixie huh? I like the sound of that." Trixie said with a smirk.

"Oh babygirl, you wanna get fucked?" Katya teased as she traced a finger down to the top of Trixie's thigh, dangerously close to where she knew Trixie desperately needed her.

"Please, please Katya... I ne-" Before Trixie could say anything else, Katya inserted two fingers, moaning at the wetness and warmth they found.

"Uhh, fuck Kat." Trixie moaned.

She fucked her deeply, with slow deliberate movements, curling her fingers upwards now and then.

When she saw Trixie nearing her edge, she abruptly pulled her fingers out making the girl whine loudly. Lifting them up and licking them, moaning at the taste.

"Kat, what the fuck? I was so close." Trixie whined.

"I know, babygirl, but we don't want you coming early now, do we?" Katya teased, to which Trixie groaned and turned over so she was laying on her stomach. Katya brought her hand down on Trixie's ass with a teasing slap, expecting bratty complaints but instead getting a moan as a reply.

"Oh what a dirty little girl you are, кукла. Did you like it that much, baby?" Katya asked before slapping Trixie's ass again, enjoying the way it rippled upon impact.

"Mhmm." Trixie moaned.

"Oh no babygirl, you gotta use your words, кукла." She said sternly, enjoying the way the younger girl squirmed. Another slap sounded through the room.

"Now, let's try again, did you like it?"

"Ye-yeah, yes Katya." The brown eyed girl said in a broken voice, turning her head so she could see Katya.

"Good girl. Now, I've got a surprise for you, how do you feel about vibrators, baby?" Katya inquired.

"Yes please, please use it on me, Kat. Please, please, fuck me with it. Make me yours." Trixie begged as Katya retrieved a large rabbit vibrator from her bedside table.

"Okay кукла, I'll let you have this, but on one condition." Katya said dominantly.

"What? What's the condition?" Trixie said impatiently. Katya leaned forward and sucked on Trixie's earlobe before whispering;
"You don't get to cum until I do."

Katya could hear Trixie's breath hitch before she pulled away from the younger girl again.

"Okay, okay, deal. I get to touch you freely tho? Like I don't just have to wait for you to get there yourself?" Trixie spoke nervously making Katya chuckle a little because somehow she managed to sound cute despite the adult theme of the conversation.

"You can do anything you want to get me there, babygirl. You just have to hold it." Katya informed her. She hoped the pink haired girl would accept. Watching Trixie squirm and edge herself was so unbelievable sexy.

"Good." Trixie said with a smirk.

Katya carefully rubbed some lube on the vibrator, even tho she was sure Trixie didn't actually need it, before carefully inserting the vibrator. Trixie groaned at the stretch of the large toy, but let Katya bottom out.

"You okay, кукла?" Katya asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah, please turn it on, Kat." Katya didn't waste time and quickly pushed the eote that turned the vibrator on one of it's lowest settings.

"Hmmm.. oh god... fuck.. Kat." Trixie moaned out before gathering herself and turning her attention to Katya.

She carefully removed Katya's black bra, the sheer bodysuit already discarded earlier on. Trixie took Katya's hard nipple in her mouth, sucking on it a little before carefully pushing the blonde down on the bed and kissing her way down to the hem of her panties.

Katya nodded and Trixie pulled the underwear off, carefully spreading the toned legs and situating herself between them. Katya felt Trixie blow air over her clit, making her moan softly at the teasing action.

She felt electricity surge through her body as Trixie's tounge kittenlicked her clit, her hand gripping onto the cotton candy hair.

"Shit Trix... keep going babygirl." Katya said and Trixie apparently didn't feel like teasing too much as her tounge went inside Katya seconds later.

"Oh holy.. jesus." Katya moaned as Trixie's skilled tounge moved inside her. She pushed on Trixie's head trying to get her tounge impossibly deeper inside.

Katya had expected to last for ages, but Trixie had her close in no time at all. The young girl moved her mouth so she was sucking on Katya's clit before inserting two fingers and moving them at a punishing pace.

Katya quickly reached for the remote and turned it up all the way, making Trixie jump a little and moan onto her clit, sending waves of pleasure through Katya.

"Fuck Trix, I'm so close baby, so so close." Katya exclaimed, coming undone moments later with one curling motion of Trixie's fingers.

"Aah, Trixie! FUCK!" She moaned out before practically collapsing on the bed. Trixie however was still holding it, squirming as the toy moved relentlessly inside her.

"K-kat, may I please.... please Katya... please?" The brown eyed girl moaned incoherently.

"Yes Trix, cum for me." And with that Trixie let go, yelling out Katya's name, her body twisting on the bed as she rode out her orgasm. Katya turned the vibrator down gradually as Trixie finished, turning it off when the girl finally came down.

Trixie climbed up to where Katya layed on the bed, placing her head on the blonde's arm and snuggling close.
Katya carefully reached down and removed the vibrator, the pink haired girl whining when it left her. She placed it next to the bed before laying down again and hugging the girl close.

"That was amazing." Trixie said dreamily.

"It sure was, fuck Trixie you were so good. It's like I fucking dreamed you up or something. Sometimes I wonder if you're just a fantasy." Katya replied.

They layed like that for a while. Trixie's fingers traveling across Katya's inked arms, tracing the artwork with calm movements.
Katya's hand in Trixie's hair, calmly combing through waves of cotton candy hair.

Half an hour went by before Katya finally broke the silence.

"Hey Trix, do you wanna go on a date with me on Sunday?"

Trixie lifted herself up and kissed Katya sweetly, a big smile stretched across her pink lips.

"I would love to."

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