Chapter 23: I Fear My Pain Is Contagious

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When Trixie's music started, she couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of the routine, then as the actual song started she felt her jaw drop.

She knew Trixie had been practicing, but when did she get this good?

Had Katya really payed the brown eyed girl so little attention?

No wonder Trixie was frustrated.

(A/N: Please watch this video 'cause I really think it's the embodiment of Trixie as a pole dancer)

The routine was flawless.
It was funny, adorable, impressive, quirky, filled with personality, and Trixie genuinely looked like she had fun performing it.

Katya hated the fact that Bill had managed to get the young girl to show so much of her untapped potential, whilst Katya herself had been so focused on her frustration with Trixie's attitude that she had missed how good the girl had gotten.

The music was impeccably mixed, and Trixie's outfit and prop seemed custom made. The little oven was painted pink and had heart stamp with a T inside of it painted all over the sides. Clearly Bill was sparing no expense for the girl.

He was trying to prove that Katya had wasted Trixie away.

He was making a point.

And most annoyingly, Katya couldn't deny that he had already showcased the girl better than what Katya had recently.

As cheers and hollers erupted in audience, the stage went black, until a soft blue light hit center stage showing Trixie in a long white robe.

This number was the exact opposite of the last one. It was slow, mature, controlled, sensual, serious.
She seemed like a sinful angel up there, every movement delicate, sexy, seductively pulling in the audience but with a remaining air of innocence.

She was perfection.

Katya cursed herself for letting the girl slip through her fingers, not only as a performer.
She wanted to feel Trixie on her again, have her soft skin and sinful curves pressed up against her.
Wanted to hear the girl laugh and sing as Katya made her breakfeast.
Wanted to kiss her soft lips while cuddled up on the couch watching movies.

The performance ended, luckily without another appearance from Bill onstage, but unlucky for Katya that was because he instead made his way to her table.

"Yekaterina." He greeted with a smirk.
"May I sit?" He asked, pointing to the empty spot next to Katya's security guard. She knew better than to refuse him, she was on his terf now and he had the upper hand, so she nodded politely.

"So what did you think of my new star? Pretty talented isn't she? And of course very pretty too." Bill stated.

"Yes, she is, that is why I employed her. You know, I don't appreciate you stealing my dancers, I thought we were over all this." Katya said, trying to sound bored and nonchalant, letting her Russian accent come out a little thicker than usual.

"I didn't steal her, Kathinka, she left. She left you." He stated with a smirk, Katya clenched her fist under the table.

He waved Plastique over and ordered himself a drink. Katya ordered another shot of vodka.

"Yes, she left, but you know, she kept saying things that didn't make sense. You know, things that she wouldn't have found out at my club. Talked about a she, almost as if someone had tried to get in her head." Katya responded with a smirk as she downed the shot. She saw Bill's eyes waver, certain that he hadn't expected her to figure out that he sent someone.

"Really what did you do to convince Nicky to lie for you?" Katya challenged.

"That's ridiculous, you're spouting nonsense." He said, sounding less than convincing. Bill signalled the bar which Katya didn't understand until a few minutes later when the recently blonde beauty whom she'd come here for emerged.

"Ah Trixie darling, come sit down and meet our guest." He stated patting his lap. Katya wanted to throw up as the girl sat down on the lap of the monster.

"Hello Katya. Did you like the show?" The girl said in a slightly spiteful tone.

"You were incredible, кукла." She replied. She saw Trixie's eyes soften, before hurt filled them.

"Don't call me that." The girl said in a broken voice.

"Детка, please just let me explain. It's not what you think, I swear." Katya tried, hating the knowledge that she was playing into what Bill wanted. Playing a dangerous game by showing him how much the girl mattered to her.

"Excuse me." Trixie said to the smirking man beneath her before storming off towards what Katya knew was the dressing room.

Katya stormed after her, needing to catch the girl before she entered the employees only area.

"Trixie wait!" She said as she grabbed onto the girl's wrist, the situation feeling hauntingly familiar.

"What Katya? Why are you here? Why haven't you just gone off with your new toy?" Trixie said as she turned towards Katya, tears streaming down her cheek.

"Because there is no one else! There's nothing going on with me and Courtney, I've never dated Nicky nor any other dancer after Violet until you came along. And yes, while I may have left out the husband part, I swear everything else was the truth! Bill and Nicky are the ones who are lying to you. Bill is using you to hurt me because he knows I care about you!" Katya yelled, seeing people turn their heads towards them. She didn't care, she needed the truth known.

"That can't be true, I saw what I saw. And Bill has been nothing but sweet to me, and I haven't met one girl here who can confirm that he ever hired underage girls." Trixie said in an angry but confused tone.

"Listen, I don't know what he is doing to make people here act like this place is wonderful and legal, but he isn't who you think he is, Trix." Katya pressed.

"Oh stop the charade, Katya. Jesus christ, Bill is a sweet and kind gentleman who has really worked hard to showcase me well. And Nicky? For God's sake she's let me stay at her apartment for weeks after I called her crying from leaving your club." Trixie stated in anger.

This was bad.
He had her wrapped around his finger.
And she had no idea how dangerous that was.

"Just go, Katya. I've got work to do." Trixie stated as she turned around.

"Trix, trixie, please listen to me." Katya called after her as the girl dissapeared inside the dressing room and Katya was stopped by security.

"You're gonna get yourself hurt." She thought as she walked away.

Having no choice but to leave the girl she loved in what she knew to be the lion's den.

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