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characters inspired by Extracurricular + It's Okay to Not Be Okay


A puny child, innocent and undisturbed lay so vulnerably in the nest of her mothers arms. I watched them, beady eyed and unfazed of the new born, though, dusting the room with light nevertheless. I had watched through a window, so it was hard to have a good look at the fetus.

It wasn't crying, it lay unmoving in the embrace, face etched with boredom yet eyes shone with curiosity. It was a mere baby, but it expressed more emotions than any human I've seen.

It's brother tumbled around the room, laughter reverting off each wall, the boy giving little attention to his own baby sister. Still, the baby didn't move.

"Make a wish" She had cooed to the baby, then looked at me "the moon tends to grant wishes"

It didn't cry, it didn't squawk. But the mother heard it, and stroked its head.

"It'll come true"

I heard the wish, I listened and I pondered. What a peculiar wish for a baby barely even alive for a year to make. It didn't seem suiting for a baby, rather an old woman in her late 80s.

In fact, their humble abode was something I've never seen before either. An almost castle like building, rusted and shrivelled, mould and broken fractures attached to every edge. No doubt it was big, but broken. As if someone had dumped a bucket of black paint over the building, the building had little colour.

It wasn't the appearance that scared people, it was the thought.

The people i've witnessed had come here for mockery, and left with regret. It was filled with hallucination like horrors, the creaking of the floorboards seemed to scare people too. The mothers appearance to greet her guests, was the last thing they saw before getting clawed in the neck. Those who make it out alive, have wanted to erase all memory.

The baby was the calmest thing in the castle, but it was hard to say it didn't have a tsunami washing up its soul on the inside. The mother was like the child, but she had hoped it wasn't.

The mother, having been swarmed by darkness all her life, was a figure of intelligence but with a stone like attitude no one could get use to. The father had fled when the war broke out.

The war was the reason the castle was in ruins. Yet, the mother still had no intentions of leaving. Her eyes had never seen light before, and never had known what the castle looked like, perhaps that's the reason she was adamant on staying. No one knew the reason, she only ever talked to her children.

The father was a brave man, one of justice and courage. He was empathetic, nice, warm to all those in need of help. Him and his wife's relationship actually stemmed off empathy. He wasn't a man you would expect to leave his own wife, but for the sake of his justice and dignity, he took up the position of a minister.

There was a sound from the baby, and then the brother dropped his toy plane to crash to the ground. It was like a cry, but it seemed distorted.

It was the first time the baby had made a sound.

"Cry" It's mother's voice was soft "Cry and it'll all be over"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now