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his words stopped, his hands frozen in place as that question rung in his ear.

do you like me?

in fact, he didn't necessarily know the answer himself. and with the fact that he couldn't even see her through the door, it made it hard to tell whether she wanted to answer to be positive or negative.

"uhm" he uttered, scratching the back of his head as a splash of rose pink spread within his cheeks

"you hesitated" she stated, shuffling audible from the other side of the door. he didn't know what to say, because he was stubborn, and attempted to balance his head and his heart blindly.

the door opened, and jisung shot up, looking her straight in the eye. she was dressed with a long black gown, head dripping with water in a sleek black veil and her eyes stung of the lack of emotion. the jacket was clutched in her fingers, held next to her.

"aeri..." he started, only for him to get cut off.

"why?" she asked, her ever so icy font chilling him to his spine

"i don't...not like you. it's just that we're so...seperate. if we consider the future, it'll be hard for us to be together...like, you're so-" the jacket was shoved into his chest, causing him to purse his lips to shut himself up.

"you're just like the others" she unveiled her teeth in a toothy grin, masking the boiling pain that's underlying in her stomach. she held in a scoff, and looked him up and down "i get it, i'm crazy" and she smiled at him.

he didn't like that smile, in fact, he hated it. it held so much pain and suffering behind it that it looked worse than a frown. it was worse when someone fake smiled than when someone frowned, because a fake smile was fake, and a frown was not.

"please" he grasped her wrist, her body halting at his touch. he could see right through her, and her desperate attempts to keep her facade of a smile.

"i'll see you tomorrow for our lesson" she said, shaking his hand off.

"i never said i didn't like you" he raised his volume, the words slipping from his mouth. she didn't flinch, or react, instead turned around with that same sly smile on her face "you have nothing to prove that to me. you've got things to lose, don't risk it for a psychopath"

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"uhm" he pointed at the book "the rotational equivalent to the mass is called interia-"

she wasn't listening, yet her eyes were on the book. everyone could tell she had stories running in her head instead of studies. she's been different since yesterday night, and this night was particularly uncomfortable. she had been silent, and had locked jisung out of her room and had only come out for dinner. she's lost yun talk to and she's lost jisung to bully.

she's been...normal. and normality in their circumstance wasn't necessarily a good thing.


"i'm listening" her eyes did not flicker

"oh...yeah, i figured" he murmured, glancing at the black computer screen "do you want to perhaps...play tetris?"


"oh" and the conversation ceased again "we should eat ramen now, i'm craving ramen" he got up to go the cabinet, but her voice sliced his actions again

"you don't like ramen"

he closed the cabinet, gulping.

"uhh look it's almost 12:00, don't you need to visit your mother soon?" he pointed at the grand clock, yet she still did not turn her head.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now