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i ventured the maze that i call home, swimming past the constellations and greetings the ones i've known since their born. there were a couple of new comers, but i smiled at them warmly nonetheless. it was a peaceful night to do my shift, and i was glad i get time to converse with the creatures below.

i didn't want to disturb the two bodies sprawled in bed, and only gave them a little bit of my magic to lighten their ever so dark room. it was only a little hint, but definitely gave the room its magical aura.

jisung ran his fingers through her hair, scanning her drained face with concern as she slept in his arms, lips pulled into an unchangeable frown and her lashes decorated with little marbles of tears. she had cried for hours, screaming and hollowing into his shirt as all her could do was hold her and prevent her from doing anything stupid.

the monsters that lived inside one was proven to not be entirely bad. they needed to be set free in order from them to calm down; sometimes letting your emotions out was the only way to feel at ease.

he sighed, edging closer to place her head in the crook of his neck, his own eyes fluttering shut despite knowing he was not going to be able to sleep.

"tell me a story jisung" she whispered "i want to hear your voice"

jisung felt the shaky rumble beside him. he hummed, jogging in his fogged up head to find a story. jisung was not in a better mindset than aeri was after knowing the news, and his heart kept lurching towards defeat when he saw every tear that fell from her eyes. they were both trapped in their own cages, fighting against all will to see each other through the iron bars as they distance further and further.

two worlds, pulling apart when they shouldn't have gotten together in the first place

"Once upon a time, there once was a Princess.  She was not an ordinary princess, however.  This Princess loved to play alone in the palace gardens while she tossed around her favourite beaming golden ball.

Now, the problem with playing alone was that no one was ever there to catch the ball if she tossed it too high in the air.  One day, as she was running around lilies and daisies and hedges and roses, she tossed her ball higher in the air than she ever had before." he spoke, an exhaustion to his voice but with fluency nonetheless

"i'm guessing her ball fell somewhere?" she mumbled

"Her beautiful golden ball had plopped right into a small pond nearby. She could not get the ball without damaging her beautiful, shimmering dress until a frog came, hopping about as he noticed the trouble damsel."

she chuckled "and the frog can talk?"

"and the frog can talk. It told the princess that he was capable of retrieving the ball, in which he did and the princess thanked the frog. They spent time together, and realised that the frog was no ordinary frog: it was the first person to ever play with the lonely princess. They grew fond of each other, and started to pay more attention to the rhythms of their heartbeat"

"and then they kissed, and got a happily ever after" she looked up at jisung "right?"

"and then they kissed, and got a happily ever after" he smiled, leaving a kiss on her lips. not too long, not too quick, enough to deliver his emotions through a single action.

"will we get a happily ever after?" she seemed almost like...a 5 year old girl, playing with butterflies along a flower field of daisies.

"no" he watched her expression switch "we won't have an after"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now