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"be my partner" she shoved the envelope towards him, jisung glancing at it with little interest whatsoever. he huffed, pulling his curtains back as he let streaks of lunar rays in to paint his room with a delicate silver

"my contract only said to be your mentor, not your partner to a ball" he turned around to face her, her face pulled down in disgust. the gold of the envelope reflected little beads of light against the darkness of his walls that were slowly being filled with things and paintings. his room was by far the most cozy one in the whole mansion

"i asked you politely already" she bolted up, exiting the room for a brief second only to wheel a suitcase into his room. jisung's eyes almost popped out of his head, staring at the black suitcase that blended in with the darkness.

snapping the suitcase open wordlessly, a pile of black material fell out, aeri immediately going to scavenge through it

"ok number 1 what the hell is that and number 2 why the hell is that in a suitcase" jisung was convinced there was an unforeseen monster hiding in there

"here" she chucked some type of clothing to him, in which he caught clumsily.

"we're leaving in an hour, don't complain and you don't want to try going against my orders" she closed the suitcase "i'll pay you extra". with that, she had left the room with a mysterious suitcase trailing behind her.

"i'll pay you extra" he mimicked her, throwing the suit on his bed.

"don't mimic me dickhead" she yelled from across the hallway

"how did she even hear..."

"just crazy lunatic things"

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at the very first step, you could already see the excess light of the building. a banner hung from each marble pillar as men and women of authority filed out of their cars, dressed in sequins and velvet, shoes that were only ever worn once clicked against the floor.

flowers and candles sat warmly against the work way, a makeshift red carpet flowing from the inside as if to not taint their precious shoes. i had seen many of these parties before, but never one that was so sophisticatedly inconsiderate.

there was too much light, too much 'i care about my dignity' and too much wine. i hated it.

"aeri" jisung chanted her name behind her as the two also stepped foot on the carpet piled with people

"whatever you're going to say, don't say it" she hissed, weaving around the people as jisung stayed tightly behind her. you would think aeri would be the more reserved one, but jisung was evidently quite stone like.

"why are we attending your brothers birthday if you hate your brother" jisung almost knocked over a woman with a full glass of wine.

"you already answered your own question" she bowed small to passing governors and ministers. she didn't care two whole damns whether the higher ups were looking at her with upmost revulsion. i mean, she did kind of announce jisung as her unofficial fiancé

"what?" jisung dodged a petite girl who rushed past the masses of people

"i hate my brother" she spun around and halted, causing jisung to basically walk on top of her "that's why i'm here"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now