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"Who" Jisung stalked through the crowd, pushing everyone aside as he tailed Number 4 with upmost rage. His own team members eyes widened, Jeno rushing out with a helmet slipped on his head to find his own uncontrollable member.

Jisung's hands swam their way through the crowd, locating Number 4's team 'shack'. Number 4 seemed to know Jisung was following them, so instead, they just walked calmly and headed wherever their eyes took them.

"Who is it" He hollowed, Jeno arriving at sight to pull Jisung back. He shrugged his arm off without a fight as the younger grabbed Number 4's shoulder, mercilessly spinning them around and pinning them to the wall, his hands dashing to pull the helmet off

Number 4 didn't move, instead dropped their head out of amusement.

"Who are you to destroy my fathers car" Jisung spat, his saliva painting blur spots on the helmet.

"Who are you to get rid of the one thing that kept me in street racing?" Jisung screamed, the audience now silenced at the commotion. They were all beginning to file off, but at the sight, they all halted where all the attention was directed at

"Who are you!?" He hands slammed against the wall it could have almost shattered, a miniature earthquake rumbling the atmosphere.

Number 4 shrugged his hands off, and left without a single word. As soon as Number 4 walked into her own team's building, she slipped her helmet off, letting her black ribbons of hair roll out of the helmet. She scoffed, taking a swig of water then venting to herself "He should be glad I saved him".

Aeri shook her head, packing her bag and checking the time.


"Perfect" She shoved her equipment into her box and glanced out to see the same boy with spat all over her helmet walk past. With an expression of disgust, she picked the dust off her shoulder and walked out once Number 6 walked away, or otherwise known as Jisung.

The stadium was slowly filing out to leave it abandoned again, the cobwebs rejoining as each street racing enthusiast left with chatters of the previous game. Jisung technically didn't come second as he never passed the finished line, so again, leaving him with very little reputation and profit.

They earned money after each game depending on how many people bet on them. Aeri received a good amount, as she was known to be one of the best. Those who come in first, second and third usually get a bonus cheque and those who come in last receive a mere word of "bad luck".

Jisung walked over to the money stands, his helmet still on his head to prevent everyone seeing his redtinted face and his angered frowns. That car was almost unfixable now, and no matter what, he was going to find the culprit that ruined him and his father's bond.

Jisung received money from the very minority of the street racing population, as some do believe he is able to get at least a third, but disappointing them either way. Some new comers looked at Jisung's slim yet flexible build, and assumed he would be one of the best.

He earned less and less money everyday, but truth be told, he couldn't blame them. He disappointed those who support him, and there was nothing to change an audiences mind.

The envelope was slipped into Jisung's hands, not even checking to see how much he had earned and grabbed his bike. His pedalling was weak and exhausted, but that brought attention to Aeri as she watched his familiar stance join the shadows

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The blade soared the paper, slicing it as if the wooden desk was its cutting board, the paper, it's food. The paper was cut into uneven strips but nevertheless, she picked it up, and folded it into a miniature star, before it too, joined the glass vase buried with stars. It was her second vase, and she had just bought her third in preparation.

She pulled out a jar from her pocket, clicking the buckle open before striding to the vase, and tipping the remnants in, the cluster of paper stars uniquely disturbing.

The click of the door paused her actions as the jar hung above the vase, her body stiff with caution yet she knew who had just walked in

"Miss..." The servants around the place had a tendency to see her doing things very out of the normal "...mother wants you to sign the papers"

Aeri chuckled, her hands grasping the jar and throwing it to the floor. The glass spat onto the ground, the sound resounding off the walls as the maid flinched, yet was not surprised.

"Tell mother i have the résumés and she can stop worrying" Aeri's eyes slit into hers. Even from afar, anyone could tell her irises bore the definition of death.

"I'll sign them when I want to" She crouched down time pick up the glass piece "Leave"

"Miss, your hand-"

"Leave when you're told to" She glanced up at the vulnerable, the shuffling of footsteps quickly dialling out as she watched the buttons of blood roll it's way down to the floor. She chuckled, standing up and dropping the glass, eyes locked onto the blood.

"It's beautiful" She smiled, raising her finger against my lantern, casting a silhouette like shoulder across her inky eyes. Aeri shifted her gaze down to the résumés that lay untouched on the table.

She took her unwounded hand and flipped the page, and then another page, then another, till it landed on her victim. She pulled her lips up, her blood wrapped hand taking the quilt pen off it's stand, and signing it.

Leaving her very own, blood red stamp

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now