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three days past with little notice, and aeri still had the necklace around her neck. they had been silent with each other, and jisung had disappeared from the face of the earth

she didn't waste efforts finding him; he was going to come back as long as she had his necklace.

today was yet another night of 2 am, no racing competitions no mentoring classes. just aeri, and her self destructive body.

aeri skimmed her finger over the edge of her photo, raising it up so it eclipses against my lantern. the fire in my lantern was dim, and weak as was the solemn night. when the creatures didn't come out to play and the eagle no longer flew intertwined against the blanket of darkness i slept in, it was an exhausting night.

the picture was a homey picture, but it also held the jeopardising events that acted as a constant reminder that memories that aren't forgotten, are scars. scars aren't always bad, for example, a good scar is a memorial, telling you you've achieved something, and you've fought against it.

the picture had a woman that held a baby, stood next to a man and a boy between the two, just like any normal family portrait. everyone's faces held melancholy, even hers. she was the bundle of 'joy' within her mother's arms.

she looked it up and down, and her fingers moved to a particular edge of the photo. then, she ripped it, bit by bit until she completely detached the baby from the picture. a smirk grew from her lips as she placed the larger piece down, holding the other in her hand.

it was her, the baby. she looked at the candle that sat still on her desk, her eyes reflecting the warm hues.

"i don't belong here anyways" and she threw it into the flame. the picture curled, and crinkled, the material morphing into ash as it continued to get sucked up by the fire. little red fireflies enlightened on the picture, swallowing it, and turning it into black fairy dust.

she slipped the remnants into an envelope, and just as she stood up, the door creaked open.

"there's soup downstairs, goodnight princess" it was one of the maids, and without receiving a goodnight in return, she left.

jisung hadnt come back yet and she currently didn't have the energy to worry about him. but she dialled his phone anyways. she's grown accustomed to hearing his voice before she sleeps.

he picked up, surprisingly


"i don't want to talk to you" his voice was slightly muffled, and there was an array of other voices in the background.

"then why did you pick up" she glanced at the time, grabbing her coat as she skimmed her eyes over the sticky note on her glass of milk.

"i..." he was a loss for words "i don't know"

"where are you" she exited her room, walking down the stairs.


"tell me or i'll crush this necklace" she swung her garage door open, sliding onto the car with the keys falling from its hook into her palm

"uh" he paused for a second "i'll send you the address"

"ill meet you there in an hour"

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aeri flew out of her car, walking up to her father who was situated next to a camera, hansol beside him. in front of them was a whole oval of people dressed in black, inho within the mix. she seriously didn't want to be here, but she needed to and it was on the same route as her and jisung's meet up location

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