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"park jisung don't fucking turn when we're literally 20 metres away from the damn corner!" she howled, holding onto the handles for dear life. she was scared out of her life, and she was lucky she was experienced in street racing or else she probably would've already vomited

"what do you want me to do! i'd crash if i don't turn now!" he didn't listen to her and turned anyways, almost scraping the back of his car.

"this is why you lose competitions!" she leant across him and grabbed the wheel, almost spinning it a 360 as she drove them back onto the path

"you're talking as if you've won a competition" he yelled over the loud screeching of the tires as he fought over the steering wheel. they were actually driving on a course that is designed for practice, so no cliffs and no potential threats. well, jisung was creating a potential threat at this point.

"ive won many more tha-" she pursed her lips, shutting herself up

"what?" he slammed his foot on the break, jerking the car forwards "you street race?"

she wondered how she was going to dig herself out of this one "no". as if she couldn't be any less obvious, she grabbed at the door handle, planning to throw herself out of the car. jisung caught on, and grabbed her arm, swinging her back towards him as their faces flew inches apart.

silent breathing carried out for one or two seconds, before jisung's question broke it "why are you hiding it?"

"i'm not hiding anything" she struggled against his grip, ultimately losing.

"this is the most popular competition for street racers, and basically the only one in the city. and the fact that you know all the codes...why did you not tell me about this? i don't care if you street race, i'm just confused as to why you've been blatantly lying to my face?" his grip tightened, and aeris eyes shot into his, slices his abyss open.

"who are you?"

the last eagle screeched

"Number 4"

it was the moments like these, that he had hoped he didn't pressure her for the answer. she was the same person who destroyed his fathers car, downgraded him, gave him a charity-win and beat him in all his games.

it made sense, she was amazing at street racing and also had experience in engineering.

it was funny really, and he couldn't help but let out a plastic laugh.

"you're kidding right" he really hoped she was. but apart from the fact she basically made his street racing career miserable, he was more upset over the fact she had told him nothing about this and continued to pretend she was clueless.

"that's a pointless question to ask" she commented

"why didn't you tell me? you went to so many of my competitions but didn't think twice to at least mention the fact that you're one of the best driver in the whole history of street racing?!" his volume was slowly raising, and she had never seen his tempter fly up so quickly. she probably should've told him, but to lose their fragile connection was a risk not worthy of taking.

"because i'd risk losing you" she replied without a single ounce of hesitation. shying away was for the weak, just when she was so close to achieving her goal

"you don't realise that you're risking even more by not telling me." he threw her wrist away "sure i can forgive you for absolutely demolishing my father's car and sure i can forgive you for letting me have that easy win, but for you to not even think about letting me know before my hatred for number 4 grows, says a whole lot about our relationship. I hate number 4 with a passion, and it's no secret that i've been trying to beat that god damned person for months. but i wouldn't use that against you, because you know who i don't hate? ji aeri"

"just as i thought you're opening up to a wimp like me, you make me believe that i'm just wandering in a maze full of mirrors" he pulled the gear shift down, parking the car. she let him talk; people always have their peak in their anger and their cool down session after. so she left him talk down on her as she absorbed it, patiently

"and you know what's worse, you've rigged that whole competition with your stupid stupid authority. having a list of who's code belongs to who is against the street racing rules and as a loyal contestant, you've just fucked up everyone who actually tries." he had to pause to take a breath. someone like jisung was barely riled up, and this was a first. it was somewhat refreshing to let out all the steam and not get snappy comments catapulting right back at him.

"are you done?" it would've sounded cocky if it weren't for her generally softer expression on her face. jisung looked away, leaning back on his seat and running a hand through his hair "yeah"

"i don't have a list of who's code belongs to who, i worked it out myself, it's simple logic. but i have my own reasons for not telling you. i probably should have, yes, but hear me out. take this as an example, if i killed your father, would i admit to that?"

he grew quiet

"look at me jisung" she placed a hand on his cheek, pulling his face to angle towards hers "who do you see?"


"i need time to think" he ripped himself away, roughly trying to kick the door open.

"jisung" she called, gently


she ran her finger over the bullet around his neck, analysing each flaw of the intricate bronze. she slid it off of his neck, grasping the string in her own fingers

"you can take this back once you've made up your mind" she slipped it over her own head "but it's mine for the time being"

he didn't reject, he didn't do anything. he opened the car door, glanced at her once and strode away.

she looked at him with a tint of amusement, leaning back in the seat with her arms cross over, a silver glint in her eyes.

she looked at the necklace, tracing the indentations as she twisted it so a pale light ray reflects onto the her ever so black clothing. she lifted up a corner of her mouth, grasping the bullet in the palm of her hand.

"my frog is kind of cute"

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200 words less than my usual amount so apologies

i've got the next few chapters planned out so i should still be able to upload this daily

those who also read dysthmia, sorry for the extremely slow update i will get to that as soon as possible

midnight stories is on hold right now until this book has finished

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