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"what?" jisung stood up, taking her with him as he really didn't want to keep watching her basically bow down to him; it was uncomfortable

"you cant keep staying with me, in fact you should just leave this house...yeah thatll be safer" she grabbed his arm, attempting to force him out the door.

"woah woah woah" he resisted, taking her wrists in his grip and repelling against her struggles. the moment she paused for a second, she felt as if she was going to break all over again

"aeri i'm not going to break up with you without a reason" his voice grew gradually desperate, and he wasn't trying to risk losing something as important as her. 

"you can't stay with me" she threw her hands out of his grip

"what the hell is going on?" his voice was anguished, hopelessly trying to find an answer "we can talk anything out"

she gritted her teeth, going to the suitcase situated beside her bed and violently snapping it open to be sprawled across the floor. "if you're not going to leave, i'll leave" her hands reached for her closet, roughly throwing everything and anything in.

"please just talk to me." he grabbed her, pulling her into a tight embrace "just-just don't break up with me, not like this"

"let go" she warned, struggling against the cage of his arms.

"please" he almost begged "breath aeri, breath. i don't care what it is, you know i'm not going to leave you"

that line broke her, because she knew once jisung found on, he would do anything to get away from her. she was a danger to him and his family, she had to leave.

"jisung" she stopped thrashing, pulling herself from his grip as her hands grasped the necklace, yanking it from around her neck

"take this and run away from me" she forced it into his palm, in which his eyebrows continued to knit together in utter confusion and frustration. he didn't give up, he continued to reach for her in attempts to comfort her uncontrollable soul.

"take one more step closer and i'll stab you" she whipped around, her black dress flowing behind her as if the night had cried black tears. her infamous pen was pointed in his direction, jeopardising the situation even further. jisung halted, but his eyes never left her trembling ones. there was a scared child behind her orbs, and any scared child needs a home, he was willing to be that home.

jisung's trust stemmed so much off aeri, and it was no surprise he didn't even flinch "you're not going to stab me"

"please just get away from me!!" it was a wail, a wail that rippled across the sky and awoke the monsters amidst the midnight galaxy.

"i'm going to take three step in front, and if you don't stab me by my third step, then that means you trust me okay?" he edged towards her body that was leaning back in fear of hurting him. she had her times when she broke out of the restraints of pressure and standards; this was one of them.

"one" he took a step closer, not letting them break eye contact.

"two" he could see her fingers visibly tense up around the pen.

"three" he took a bold step forward, the pen dashed away from him on its own accord. he smiled small, taking the pen out of her hand as he advanced her with an almost intimidating stance. she back away, hitting her back against the table as jisung closed in on her, running a finger along her chin.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now