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the race drew to an end as all competitors slid out of the car, aeri leaving her car to have herself fall back on her seat. her eyes shot up to the body over her, a hand leant against the frame of the car.

"why did you do that" it was Number 6, his simple presence balancing her one. she angled her head, silent as she continued to look up at him through the barrier of the translucent helmet glass.

"you won" she attempted to stand up, placing her hands on his shoulder to push him back, but he was adamant, her being knocked straight back into the seat. he leant closer, repeating the question with a rougher tint to his voice "why did you do that"

"i don't know what you want from me. you won, there's nothing more to it"

why does Number 4 sound so familiar

he seemed to slowly recognise the voice, but it was hard to pinpoint at how muffled her voice is. she noticed his silence too, immediately shifting her voice, flattening it. her voice was naturally low, so some may mistaken it as a male.

"i don't want to win out of pity, i want to win out of skill. that win was yours, and you gave it to me out of charity" jisung was holding back from punching whoever was in front of him, but it was getting quite hard.

"it's your win, take it or leave it" she gestured to the crowd "the crowd seems pretty hyped over it"

he scoffed, taking his hand off the frame and letting her leave her car. as soon as jisung walked towards his teams shed, the crowd created a choir of roars, jisung's teammates rushing out with their helmet on their head. no one seemed to consider it as a win out of pity, but instead a win that pushed jisung higher up the ranks.

jisung entered their shed, to see chenle sitting on the couch, eyes on his hand that was bandaged quite thickly. in a span of one day, something definitely happened to chenle

"yo what happened to your hand?" jisung came in, the rest filing and taking a seat

"got it cut"

"well yeah not shit. what happened? how'd you get it cut?" jisung glanced at his hand, shocked that something like this happened without any of them knowing. he had disappeared since last night, therefore something just have happened between that time period.

"you have been missing since last night and you come back with this and no explanation?" jisung stood up again, completely not understanding why he refuses to explain. until it clicked.

grabbing chenle by the wrist, he made sure everyone else was busily playing games as he dragged chenle away with him

"were you the one who stopped inho from murdering me last night?" it made sense. if inho had tried to assassinate him last night but didn't manage to do so, that means something or someone stopped him. and guess who just so happened to go missing since last night: chenle.

chenle had too many mysteries going on with him that not even his own team members knew. he lived in his own world, and breathed with little care about others.

"even if i say no you're going to take it as a yes" chenle said rather casually, twisting his wrist.

"what did inho say to you? and...what were you doing on the day jeno substituted for you?" he had too many questions that chenle was completely ignoring "how did you even know inho in the first place"

he hesitated, before looking jisung straight in the eye

"be careful"

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death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now