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"you know the numbers?" he was suddenly interested. dropping all his belongings, he rushed to her as she turned around with a sly smirk

"what numbers?" acting innocent was one of her strong traits, but definitely not an admirable one. her smile was crooked, basically initiating that she knew more than she seemed.

"how...how did you know anything ab-"

"just listen to me" she uttered as she reached her hand up, fiddling with the messy strands that layered over his head. he didn't pull away, he was too intrigued with this source of information.

"you won't win the match against my brother. hes ruthless, merciless" she scoffed "if you want to walk in a war zone where there's only going to be one victor, then go ahead, go to your race."

"aeri" he grabbed her wrist, spinning her for her eyes to slice into his "have you been watching me?"

"why'd you think i chose you?" she smiled, her eyes folding into a crescent moon.

"you creep" he dropped her wrist

"thank you"

"that wasn't a complement"

"i know" she scanned him up and down "follow me"

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"him" aeri pointed at the male who exited a team meeting, helmet placed neatly over his head.

"what the hell aeri! i'm going to get caught!" jisung forced through his teeth, pulling one of aeris obnoxiously large hats over his eyes as he crouched past the crowds.

"no one knows that you're Number-"

his hand clasped around her mouth, pulling her into his embrace as they almost tumbled down the flights of stairs.

they lay like that for two seconds, until teeth dug into his hand, in which jisung yelped, pulling away

"who's the creep now?" her eyes twinkled, watching as everyone's attention switched to jisung. the attention didnt linger long on jisung, until the whole crowd turned their attention to aeri.

"the princess is here!"

and the following events included people rushing at aeri, knocking her around as her eyes quickly darkened, a veil of revenge drowning it.

jisung quickly loss all his attention on aeri, immediately trying to get himself out of there. he didn't take into consideration that there wasn't any possible way anyone could have recognised him as Number 5, but his imagination told him otherwise. and by the pure fact that his team members were now rushing out to see the commotion, he knew he had to get out of there.

aeri kind of just vanished in his head in spite of this situation

he regretted leaving her behind when the crowd had silenced like a box was put over them.

aeri had a pocket knife out, grasped within her fingers as it pointed towards towards the floor. everything froze, and everyone's jaw fell open at the princess who stood before them.

they were lucky the starting ring rung across the atmosphere, everyone quickly heading back to the seats to view the race that was about to start.

jisung sighed, weaving through the crowd and grasped her shoulders to try and steer her away.

"aeri, put the knife away" jisung clenched his teeth, ripping the knife out of her grip and folding it close.

"those motherfuc-" she struggled in jisungs arms, frantically thrashing around to escape the cages of his arms. but jisung held her back, purely to save his dignity and to save some lives.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now