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"what the fuck!?" she pounced at the cabinet, feeling around to see if it fell down between gaps. jisung's heart crashed against his chest; he was not going to lose the one thing that had been with him since forever and the one that that held together his and her bond.

aeri on the other side, was more concerned over the fact that it may have gotten in the hands of the wrong people.

"it was here last night" her eyes were frantic, searching for anything that reflected a strip of bronze back at her, but if was futile.

"last night you took it off and handed it to me, and i placed on the bedside table and didn't touch it ever since..." jisung tried to think logically, calmly and not to overreact just in case it had just fallen under the bed or something

"we can't lose this" she groaned, crouching down to check under her bed, and still it was nowhere to be found

"we'll find it" he grabbed her hand, and gave her a reassuring smile in which she tried to return one, but it looked more like a mutated frown.

"we have to find it. that necklace can get the wrong people into starship" she seemed out of breath, panicked mostly. he didn't want to ask further but he knew what she meant; she was the daughter of the leader of starship after all.

"we'll look around, but if it's not in this room, then someone probably took it" he let go of her hand, and scoured the floor for any shining object. he didn't see aeri move, instead he followed his eyes up to her, where her gaze was fixed on the window, an open window

"it's gone" she breathed, glancing at jisung widening eyes "someone took it"

without another word, aeri went to her wardrobe cabinets, violently sliding it up to dig through her clothes

"what are you..." and he immediately stopped himself when his eyes came to graze a black object being pulled out form amidst the clothes "oh"

a gun, one untouched and new sat awkwardly in her hands. a murder weapon that is responsible for the deaths of too many people. it was black, like the night, with a violent storm circling it.

"you shouldn't be surprised" she said almost nonchalantly, grabbing her coat from the chair and trudging down the stairs. he hesitated for a second, rooted to his position

"you dont have to come" she glanced at him "but you know you're not as innocent as you seem". jisung perked up a side of his lips, adrenaline fuelling him as he too grabbed his coat, tailing her "ill show just what my demons are capable of"

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they pulled up, her phone situated warmly in her hands as it became clammy by the second. they were taking blind guesses at who might've taken it, but it was no surprise they went to inhos first. getting his address was easy, especially when he gave it to her the second she called.

they hadn't even reached the doorway when the front door open, the bright smile of inhos appearing in front of them. he beamed "hello princess!"

she gulped, swallowing her bile to keep her act together. if this was the person who stole the bullet, she would go as far as shooting him without another blink of an eye "can we come in" it sounded rather rhetorical, but inho let them in anyways

inho lived in an humble abode, decorated art with hanging pots of daisies and picture upon every wall. it was a fairy small house, and there were a couple desks situated around the place as if he lived with many more people.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now