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a soft footstep, echoing down the long and empty hallway. a melody fell gently over his lips.

The cards, the cards, the cards will tell

he sang, like a ghost fresh from the grave

The past, the present and the future as well

he ran his finger over the brim of the window

The cards, the cards, just take three

then layered a skin of saliva over his teeth

Take a little trip into your future with me

he stopped, eyes directed at the unconscious finger sprawled against a metal chair. he smirked, sinisterly.

hospitals were such...mysterious things. it's here to cure sick people, tend to those who need tending to. yet it's perceived as this horrible infrastructure painted with dots of blood and houses people of the undead in movies that claim to be horror.

it's magical how hypocritical humans can be

i felt paranoid, watching the figure stroll so carelessly along the dark hospital alley. i was suppose to be the light that decorated the darkness of the night sky, but all of a sudden, i felt dim, lost, stolen.

my rays seemed to be getting sucked of it's magic, unable to cast my familiar beams into the sardonic blackness of the hospital. i only work for half the day, and i won't give up to some curtain of darkness that falls over such building.

though my light was dim, it was somewhat effective. optimists would say it lit the room up like little silver fireflies, but realists would say my companion and i are futile in its attempts.

i could only leave the sinner to waltz around in its parade

the man advanced a body encased in darkness, his hand gliding along the object in his hand.

"found you" the glimmer in his eye wasn't good, and it seemed...malicious. the reflection of the knife showed a perfect image of himself. he didn't see himself, he saw a psychopath. a real one.

i was quickly proven correct when his hand winded back, and swung the knife at the body. but it sliced into the wrong thing, cutting the obstacle instead.

the obstacle was a living breathing person, and his eyes were no darker than his. they both mirrored a type of deadly expression.

"you act all innocent" the obstacle murmured "but you have just as much capability as a man with a gun"

"stop interfering with my business"

the obstacle chuckled, clasping the sinner's hat between his fingers.

"report me then" he threw the hat on the floor "you're a reporter anyways"

"i'll remember you" the culprit picked up his hat, and left with this shadow

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"give me my fucking pen back" she paced behind him as he avoided eye contact with her, sitting against the hospital seat pointlessly in hopes for the boy to wake up.

"it's not even a pen anymore" he took the pen out of his pocket "you've turned it into a knife"

"well then give me my fucking knife back" she snatched at it, where jisung pulled back his hand almost a little teasingly.

"you're so dead" she leant over him, hand on the chair arm as she ferociously grabbed at the pen. he was a little caught off guard at first, ignoring the thrashing against his rib cage before the hospital door swung open


she rolled her eyes. pushing herself off jisung, she looked disapprovingly at the reporter in front of him. he was seriously getting annoying; from visiting her house at ungodly hours and following her to the nearby convenience store, it was seriously becoming more of stalking than simple liking

"i have never had the urge to kill someone as much as i do now" she muttered, fingers curling into a ball as the sight of him pestered her eyes.

"i brought food!"

"a knife would be better" she forced a smile "because i seriously want to hack someone with one"

neither jisung or inho seemed shocked. she was always like this.

"where's chenle? he said he was going to check on jeno with me today" jisung stood up, pulling the door behind inho open to check the hallway. inhos eyes seemed to darken, but it was so brief no one could say it did. his smile was back on his face within a second, and he immediately placed the plastic bag full of food down.

"i have work now! see you later and make sure to eat the food while it's hot" just like that, inho left. it was odd, because he would usually pester aeri some more, shove food down her throat and harass her for a selfie together. maybe he learnt not to do that anymore

"jisung" she called the boy back in when he figured chenle was nowhere to be found

"eat it" she leant back, and pointed at the food "i'm not hungry"

"i'm not eating that creeps food" he rejected the offer almost immediately

"just eat it" she opened the bag, revealing the bag full of food. the food did look good, and it was steaming hot along with a cup of coffee next to it. aeri didn't fancy coffee as she didn't like the idea of caffeine keeping her up even though she's up anyways.

jisung leant forwards, dismissing the fact that he literally rejected the offer before and going for the coffee. he knew she didn't drink coffee so of course, he'd take anything for free.

"jisung" her eyes were stuck on the security camera on the corner of the room, or rather, the tiny device next to the camera.

"first you tell me to eat it now you won't let me eat it. what the hell is wrong with you" he went to take a sip of the coffee, when she brutally knocked the liquid out of his hand. the cup smashed against the plot, creating a brown waterfall from jisung's lap

"what the fuck!?" he bolted up, skin sizzling from the heat. she let out a breath of air, shaking her head at the security camera.

"aeri are you out of your mind!? i don't have another change of clothes!" jisung spat, leaving an accusing gaze at her

"there's a camera next to the security camera" she commented, following the petite blinking red light beside the bigger security camera.

"all hospitals have multiple security cameras- but what are you going to do about my shirt!" he let his arms extend out, the dirt coloured liquid trailing down his arm. aeri turned her head at the liquid on the floor, crouching down to dip her finger lightly against the surface

jisung already gave up in asking if she was crazy; i mean, she's bathing her finger in coffee

"there's glue in it" she watched the liquid roll down her finger "he should've used water based glue, would've dissolved better"

"ok what!?" the boy glanced around for anything he could wear.

"some of your buddies just arrived, go find them for clothes" she shoved him out the door in which she was left alone with a spilt coffee, a suspicious security camera and a head full of revenge.

she looked at the camera, smiling sinisterly

try harder wu inhu

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now