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"i don't get paid enough to deal with your shit" jisung snapped his pencil, throwing the remains across the floor as she kept herself busy with the computer screen. it was the following night, and they were meant to have their mentor session, except it was more of a 'i do one question then play an hour of video games' session.

she was so absorbed in tetris that she had done three questions in the span of three hours. well, besides that, aeri has also insisted to know the full story behind his necklace.

the necklace was oddly familiar to her, but she knew it was buried deep inside her memory.

"aeri" jisung stood up, striding to her with rage building up in him as he took her wrist, yanking her up and entrapping her with their bodies learnt against the table.

she didn't look fazed whatsoever, she just cocked a brow and waited for him to yell some useless words at her.

"i get paid to teach you, not to watch you play tetris 5 hours a day" he growled, aeri slightly taken aback at his tone. he was usually very gentle and had a soothing voice, but she never knew how much she was influencing him this much.

"then tell me, what's the full story behind that necklace" that necklace had always intrigued her, and somehow had also intrigued her mother. the bronze reflections highlighted her skin as she took the necklace into her fingers, tapping lightly against the bronze.

jisung didn't pull back this time, but collected himself to yet again, explain his backstory.

"someone on the same team as my father shot him during war and left without another bat of an eye; this bullet was the bullet that stuck into my fathers skin and pierced him dead. that's all i know and i don't wish to know more because i don't stick my nose everywhere" he huffed, glancing at the bullet in her hands "i have not a single clue what that SS on my necklace stands for and i don't have a single clue who had the audacity to leave an innocent man to die. all i know is that i've tried to find him for 8 years, and i won't stop till this same bullet goes into his skin"

she smelt something radiating out of him: revenge, anger, fury.

"i like it when you're like this" she placed a hand on his chest, trailing it upwards. he tried to hide the gulp that broke his persona, but it was in fact very noticeable.

he should've pulled away, but he didn't.

"you're finally letting those demons free" she tapped where his heart lay, her smile ever so wicked.

"i know a lot of connections, and i can help you find whoever killed your father" her finger trailed to the side of his neck, the hairs sticking up as a shiver rolled down his spine. she never scared him, it was just her aura.

he didn't respond

"under one condition" she flickered her pair of abysses at him, one of my companions reflecting in her black hole "dont be afraid when my monsters are unleashed"

he lost his balance a bit, falling forwards to merely slam his hand on the table behind her, face jerking towards her. she exhaled, hand kept on his shoulder "be careful what you do around me"

she leant forwards, her mouth scraping against his ear "i may unleash your monsters too"

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two figures strided along the dimly moonlight lit path as they ventured past the leaves, the rocks under their feet scraping against the material of their shoes. jisung's forever messy hair waves gently in the breeze, hands shoved deep into his pocket.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now