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a puff of smoke lightened the atmosphere, the cigarette brought to the butterfly of her lips, the tip tinted with bright red. her arm was leant against the wooden of the balcony rails, vines gardening the sides.

as she fluttered her eyes shut to enjoy the relief from the drug, the stick was brought out of her lips to be thrown down the balcony. her eyes snapped open at her disturbance, meeting a pair of eyes above her.

"smoking is bad for your health" he sighed, leaning against the balcony

"your point is?" she rolled her eyes, taking out her packet to grab another one. the whole packet disappeared from her hand as jisung snatched it from her, and harshly threw it down the balcony

"what the f-"

"shh" jisung places a finger to his lips "you'll wake up the monsters"

she scoffed "ones already woken up" she pushed herself off the edge, and took a step towards the door to go and grab her other packets stored away in her cabinet. a hand met the glass door, sliding it shut as jisung's body was supported by his arms, his flaming eyes looking at her blankly

"which monster?" he uttered, getting a smirk and a rise of an eyebrow in return

"you're looking at it right now" a monster was something no one wanted to be called, but when you acknowledge that you indeed are one, it becomes sewn into your persona. she wasn't scared of monsters, nor was she scared of being a monster. she was scared of people thinking she wasn't one, because then, she would have met the person more fearless than her.

aeri clasped her hand around the handle of the door, giving it a pull before it was slammed shut again, aeri pursing her lips in frustration

"let me go get my cigarettes" she folded her eyes, slicing her gaze into his

"they're bad for you" he took a piece of scrunched up paper from his pocket, ripping one strip off it and handing it to her

"making stars is better" he almost suggested as if she hadn't been making stars for the whole of her life. those paper stars were a stress reliever, but when that reliever becomes inefficient, there are substitutions

she nodded rather slowly, taking the paper and folded it. she was oddly obedient, but that didn't last long when she cocked her head at him and slid the star into his hand, yanking the door open and almost snapping jisung's arm

"scary" he meant it. jisung followed her out, scanning her room for any excess cigarette packets as the duo left her room. hearing footsteps follow her, aeri rolled her eyes and walked downstairs, fingers scaling down the rails. she was headed to grab her cigarettes off the floor, but realised jisung was still at her tail

"stop following me" she scoffed, glancing up at him carelessly

"don't get ahead of yourself" he dragged a corner of his lips up, before placing his hand on the door behind her and leaning closer. she was unbothered, like she always were

"just to remind you this is my h-"

"move" jisung deadpanned, pushing the door open and sliding around her body. she scoffed, curiosity peaking her interest as she spun around, eyes glued on jisung's back

"yah" her yell could scare away flocks of birds "where are you going!?"

"somewhere you shouldn't be!"


"ew" was the only word she uttered as soon as she stepped foot into the environment. in front of her stood a bland building, walls of grey and people bustling around that contradicted too much of the atmosphere around them.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now