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"the quadratics formula is ax^2+bx+c = 0 in terms of x. So the roots of ax^2+bx+c = 0 would just be the quadratic equation, which is: (-b+-√b^2-4ac) / 2a-" jisung lay his pen gently down on the textbook, now littered with many of his circling and highlighted, none of which she even listened to

"aeri" jisung slammed the pen down, the girl perking her eyebrow up "where did you get that?". a finger was pointed to the bullet strung around of his neck, the antique pleasing to her eye. she knew jisung was the Number 6, but it still surprised her that someone like jisung got himself involved in street racing.

"from the ground" jisung replied blankly, ignoring her stares

"now that was standard form. this ± means that there are two answ-"

"what does the initials mean?" she let her fingers graze the metal that had SS etched messily on it in which jisung pulled quite swiftly.

"i dont know" yet again he replied with an answer that wasn't any better than not giving an answer

"when drawing the graph, the curve sometimes just touches the x-axis-"

"when did you get it?"

she was really testing his patience. but thankfully he was paid a decent amount for dealing with her nonsense

"i am not obliged to answer your questions now could you please just listen for one god damn second" jisung was usually calm, but when it comes to her, it was different. it didn't help that aeri had always insisted on having lessons during my shift as well as requesting simple maths lessons to be done on the floor, which made little to no sense at all

"then why must a student answer to a question from a teacher?" she tapped her pen against the wooden floor, clicking her tongue at her logic that seemed to stun jisung.

"could you just focus" he groaned, running a hand through his lazy hair

"think about it. students pay teachers only for them to pry answers out of a child who simply does not know, then gets scolded for not possessing that knowledge in their head" she paused "why do we pay them to interrogate us for 12 years straight?"

"it's the students fault for not listening" jisung was about to snap his pen. it's been more than half an hour and he had explained the same formula to her too many times

"teachers are never wrong, are they now? they can probably teach a student the wrong thing and still get their pay check"

"not everything's about money"

she laughed "then why are you here?"

"my situations different"

"let me ask you, would a teacher keep being a teacher if they don't get paid?" she leaned closer "it's pointless to do a job you love and not get paid"

placing two fingers on her forehead, jisung pushed her back with a look of disgust, shoving the pen onto the paper and demanding that she begins to actually take notes

"you're mother paid me to do this now listen and stop being...illogical" jisung circled the same formula again

"don't talk of the deceased" she said it a bit too casually for it to be considered fitting. her eyes wandered to the clock across the room, the ticks of the golden hand suddenly amplifying a thousandfold. she saw the clock hand lay around 11:58.

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now