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her finger dig into the monitor button, the mini flashing light above it blinking rapidly until several heavy footsteps thumped down the hallway.

"i have a race to go to" he pointed at the door when his mob of hair appeared within her door frame

"Do you want to see the participants list?" she swung her phone from her finger tips from left to right, tempting him to come closer

"Even if I see it, I wouldn't recognise the numbers" He struggled to put his feet through his boots. her phone ran once again, causing jisung to calm his pace down

"it's inhu" she pursed her lips in annoyance "how did he get my number, i thought you deleted it"

"kid probably has photographic memory" jisung slowly placed his duffel bag down, edging towards her and her phone

picking up with slight hesitance, she put on her warmest voice and smiled through the phone "hello"

"hi! aeri! i was wondering whether i could come..."

"inhu, why don't you come with me to watch a street racing match?"

"ah...sure! i just left the stadium but i can backtrack"

"sounds great" and she hung up almost immediately. advancing towards jisung, he forced himself not to puke when she cocked her eyebrows at him, an alluring smirk across her face

"lets go meet that little reporter, shall we?"

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he distanced himself from her off as they approached the main stadium, jisung's teams already desperately trying to find him. there were 5 minutes till the race starts and they haven't even done last minute checkups on the car.

inho located the duo pretty quickly, ignoring the hammering of his heart when he noticed aeri's eyes locked on jisung almost hungrily. she had always looked at jisung like that; she craved his innocence.

"princess!" inho jumped up towards them. she pulled a forced smile, jisung dismissing the two without a second glance and stumbling down the stairs with his helmet secured around his head

"aeri...why are we coming to watch this?" asked inho almost naively. to her, he was just like a mosquito, small and annoying.

"shut up and watch" she threw away her nice facade in a blink of an eye, and inho was almost caught off guard.

"coming into the arena today we have Number 6, Number 24, Number 9, Number 8-"

she bolted up, eyebrows drawn down. she had sworn Number 8 wasn't on the list today, hence why she let jisung participate

"-and Number 4"

"what?" she may have said that a little too loudly when the whole audience turned to stare at her. at this point, the whole country knew the princess watch street racing besides her mum, i mean, her mother couldn't read the news anyways.

she was surprised at how hansol nor her dad had brought up before.

"Number 4?" one manager had gone out to find her, entering her teams shed but only for him to be greeted with stacks of stacks of...nothingness and several jars of paper stars.

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