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A dandy rose petal sunk to the ground.

The crowd roared

Another petal was plucked off, fluttering to join the first.

The skidding of wheels around the corner screeched into the crowd

Soft and delicate, yet another petal was pulled off

The following was silence, then an array of screams. She smirked, eyes flickering upwards to see the fog of smoke in in front of her. The last scarlet petal fell, her finger sliding over the thorn. A bead of ruby rolled down her flesh, tainting the already stained skin.

"Pathetic" She stood up, dropping the bloodied stem and letting the blood of her finger leave a trail of fresh blood that marked her footsteps like footprints engraved into the stone.

She took the last step off the seats when her eyes attached to a male who pulled his helmet off his head, hair spilling to either sides of his head. His body crouched next to the car, hands fumbling with the door. It was rammed so brutally into the wall, that people's yells became the new silence.

The male was young, and he looked innocent. Streaks of gold lined his chestnut coloured hair, eyes small and mouth sweet. It moved excessively yet it blended in with the constant screams.

I've seen the male couple times along the streets, whistling to soft tunes with his hood up and hands in pocket. He was a lively boy, always dancing to the beat of the wind when it was my shift. I'd watch him, and he knows I'm watching, he would sometimes talk to me.

Whereas the girl...I watched her grow up. I was said to be her favourite entity on earth, yet she never looked me in the eye. She would look at my companions, smile a weak one then lie down in the grass, bathing under the light of my torch.

The two were surprisingly similar, both having a liking towards me and my companions. Not that I complained, they were nice to watch. It was like a movie's starting screen, and the plot was only now starting to roll out. They shared their childhood with me like every other human on this earth, but never once, had i been talked to as much before their birth

It was company at least, the stars sometimes gets boring.

When the boy had whipped around, his eyes fell right into her ebony ones. She lifted up a corner of her lips into a sinister smirk, eyebrows cocked up. No doubt the boy was confused, and his gaze didn't linger on her as long as hers did.

He was a special type of purity, one so rare the only place for him is heaven. Despite their ages, based on appearance, they didn't seem to be much of a difference. In fact, the girl looked older than she is, and the boy looked younger than he is. What a perfectly irrelevant match.

Tapping on her forearm as she had her arms folded over, she continued to scrutinise him as he bustled around with the rest of the crowd, a first aid kit brought to his hand. The car was both fuming and fractured, why would anyone so hopelessly save something that's already done for

She looked at the droplets of crimson that dripped into the concrete, each drip making her decision

"Should i"

Her blood inked the floor

"Should I not"

Another drip

"Should I"

It continued

"Should I not"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now