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jisung broke away from the circle of boys to fix his eyes on aeri, a smile growing on his face as he dashed towards her, his arms engulfing her in a hug within a second. she couldn't help but chuckle along with the rhythm of their sway.

"i did it" he sighed, placing his chin on her head.

"good job you didn't come last" she joked, jisung pulling away at that statement to look at her disapprovingly. but when he glanced at her, her hands were running along the bullet around her neck, the one that jisung still hadn't taken back. she had taken hostage of it ever since the day they fought, and in all honesty, the necklace had grown on her.

"are you ever going to take this back?" she look at the shimmering bullet, a strip of light highlighting it's edges and enhancing the ancient look of the initials etched on the surface.

"you take better care of it than me" he threw his arm over her shoulder "and it's my mark"

"psh, what, mark of claiming me?" they headed to the stalls as the crowd began to file out of their seats, hearing the positive comments past by their ear as the audience filled the stadium with murmurs of surprise and enthusiasm.

"you can put it that way" they stopped as they reached the judging desk, jisung receiving his first ever trophy. after many congratulations and thank yous, aeri left jisung sides and advanced near hansol, who was bandaging his hand as he sat on the audience seats. not to mention noticing inho bouncing around the place in search for her throughout the whole competition.

"i beat you" hansol stated, not even sparing her a glance

"you did" she looked at his thickly bandaged hand, probably from spraining it or overly pressuring it when grasping the steering wheel "but i still managed to finish in the time frame when i was 2 laps behind everyone"

"almighty princess is good at street racing, i get it" hansol leant back, taking a sip of his water

"almighty minister's son is bad at street racing, as expected" she analysed him for a bit, realising he was deep in thought.

"if i somehow end up as the leader of starship, you reckon they'd let me? if father retired and decided to hand the baton to me, would i need some sort of verifications? what if...father ends up abolishing starship? then my life long goal of becoming the leader will be ruined just like that" he turned to looked at her "ive even joined a different mafia gang in preparation of becoming the leader of starship"

"the war equipment starship manufactured all was dedicated to our father, who is the current leader. no one else has the same bullets, same guns, some armour with the exact initials on them besides our father. i'm not sure if you knew this but anyone with equipment marked by starship has basically every authority to be the leader, i mean, no ones meant to have it besides our father. i've been begging father to give me some sort of verifications that i'm worthy to be starship leader, but he keeps denying my offer, it's frustrating. he keeps saying shit like 'don't worry i'll give it to you when the time comes'." he ranted, running a hand through his hair

"why do you even want to be it that badly, it's just a stupid corporation" she blew her hair out of her face, uninterested.

"you don't get it. you get pride, recognition and bucket loads of money, that's why father managed to climb up to his minister positions. to be in a position like that is any normal human being's dream"

"not mine"

"you're not normal" he flickered his eyes to her again, but when he had properly looked at her, his back straightened almost immediately "aeri that necklace, where'd you get it from"

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