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the whole stadium seemed to freeze as hansols car rested into the finishing line, noticing the absence of cheers and hollows.

even i, an untouchable entity, was shocked.

hansols eyes diverted to the current centre of attention, in which he had barely made out that it was his own sister with a pen clasped tightly in her hand. it wasn't the pen that was scary, it was the smile. she wore a smile that dripped with venom and a sardonic aura.

jisung perhaps won't ever be use to her stare and the twitch in her lips

"aeri" he breathed "put that down". he would've gulped if he could, but he simply couldn't with a pen stabbed towards his throat.

"are you scared?" her eyes glimmered with the ribbons of my torch

"aeri just put that down" he didn't want to forcefully have to make her, but he knew if he even moved she wouldn't hesitate to paint that pen red. despite all this, there was something that told him


you're not scared

she's scared

of being weak

"don't ignore my question" the metal grazed his skin, the cold causes him to lean his neck back ever so slightly

"i'm only scared of monsters" jisung replies, as confident as he could "and you're not one"

in the corner of her eye, she noticed Number 8 stroll up to them. from one glance, she lowered the knife and ran a layer of saliva over her teeth

she halted him before he even got to say a word "this isn't a place for people who talk justice"

"you know i couldn't stay with you" his voice was deep, soothing almost. but purely form his masked face and his body structure, he seemed intimidating.

"because we're all psychopaths?" she chuckled, pyschopathicly.

"you don't understand, fathers-"

she smiled "listen up everyone" her voice could shake the whole stadium. her eyes flew towards jisungs, who flickered between the siblings warily. he didn't know what happened, but it seemed to be a mutual hatred between the two.

"this here" she grasped jisung's hand, rising it to the sky "is my fiancé"

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"who the fuck is your fiancé?" jisung chases her around her pace in the room. being abruptly claimed as someone's finance wasn't something you see in a day to day basis

"calm down" she took a seat on the floor, resting her chin on her palm to gaze at me like she did all the nights of her life

"i cant calm down! you just- without my consent- what the hell!" jisung had been ripping his hair out strand by strand ever since she said that.

"i never said we were actually getting married" she fished out some pieces of paper "i wouldn't marry someone like you"

"there was so many people there! you're a princess aeri, the whole country knows you"

"correction, the whole country knows the queens daughter. not ji aeri" she folded another star in record time, taking jisungs hand and placing the star on his palm "your welcome"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now