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"i'm getting out" Jisung grabbed his bag and headed towards the exit of the room, sweat bundling his strands on his head. with one tut of her tongue, and a tap of her foot, jisung stopped, hands balling up the handle of his suitcase

"leave" she let her weight carry to one leg "leave if you can". jisung bit his lips, then flung the gold encrusted door open, and walked straight out. she chuckled, taking a pen from her stand and sliding the tip on the roughened paper, the black gliding along the beige of the parchment.

her heels clicked against the floor as her fingers clasped the parchment, and scrunched it into a ball, the smirk never leaving her lips.

"jisung" her voice was almost as soft as mice, although the male beneath her balcony halted at the sound of her sly voice. nonchalantly, she dropped the ball of paper from the balcony, it landing on the dust of the floor.

it was strange how his name had sound so oddly soothing from her voice, yet it made him feel like he was talking to a ghost.

he wasn't wrong

having a body doesn't mean you have a soul

jisung flickered his eyes down to the sheet, and picking it tenderly as if he was a child learning the ropes of strangers. it was crumbled with creases stitched into every bit of the parchment. his eyes followed the elegantly handwriting, a dry breath leaving his lips

you can't leave
you have nothing

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"welcome to your new home" she pushed open the wooden door that left a creak to ring in their ears. the two didn't talk, but one followed the other into the abandoned room.

it was dark, pitch black without a single bulb of light. there was so much dust you could smell it, and it felt as if it was both the graveyard and the rendezvous for the deceased.

there was one single window in which he was able to see me, and i was able to see him. which was good, because he was one of my favourites.

"you are not allowed to leave the vicinities without-" she whipped around, jisung walking on her shoes in shock and stumbling backwards almost immediately. the boy chewed on his lips, his eyes becoming best friends with the dusty floor

"you don't means it when you say you liked me right?" direct, but effective. aeri rose her eyebrow, tongue painting her lips with a layer of saliva in amusement.

"how long have we met?" she grazed her finger over his chin, harshly pushing it up

"an hour" he had to stifle a gulp

"exactly" and she pushed his chin backwards, punching the light switch on the wall.

"there's 50 packets of ramen in the cabinet if you're hungry at night" she pointed at the drawer that looked like it hadn't been touched in twenty years, let along have food sitting in it

"i don't eat ramen" he dunked his duffle bag on the bed that was way too large for his liking. he liked sleeping on the floor curled up with a couple blankets that weighed him down.

"no one told you to eat it" she turned around to him, a monitor sliding into his hand.

"if this flashes red, you are to come to my room immediately" she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth "unless you choose to ignore it then bye bye to your pay"

"i'm your mentor, not your servant" he threw the monitor on the bed, which she took no notice to.

"your mentoring my daily activities" she shrugged "i don't think there's a problem in that"

death's wish | park jisung √ Where stories live. Discover now