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that same, squeaky, annoying voice cut jisung's and aeris conversation short.

"oh, it's the inhu kid" she sucked her teeth, where jisung nudged her lightly "be polite"

" it's inho...but the latest news i uploaded about you went viral! my agency is giving me a raise because of my video blowing up all over the internet!" he seemed very uncontainable, but she was getting use to seeing him everywhere

"which news are we talking about now. the 'my father a drug dealer', 'my mothers dead', 'i'm a lunatic' or is it 'he's my fiancé' one?" she sounded bored, eyes stuck on the door that lead to the exit

"aeri be more polite" jisung hissed at her, smiling down at the boy with glasses perched on his nose and his iconic reporter hat.

"well...all three but that fiancé news got me promoted! thank you so much you saved me-"

"that was you?!" jisung yelled, stopping some passerbyers as his fingers stuck towards inho, the petite boy shrinking under the glare.

"be polite" she mimicked, jisung scoffing in return

"take that down right now" jisung demanded, his voice putting up a facade as if he had authority to order around civilians

inho seemed hurt

"don't take it down" she flashed a smile at inho, then proceeding to turn to jisung "you don't get a say this"

"tell him to take that article down" he scowled directly at her, finger yet again pointed at the scrawny boy

"tell him to keep it up"

"take it down"

"keep it up"

"take it down"

"keep it up"

"take it down"

"keep it down"


"god damnit"

she gave her own hand a good old slap "decisions made, keep it up and i'll invite you to my house and you can get all your little secrets there"

they're treating the reporter as if he wasn't basically somewhat the same age, even maybe a little older.

"you would do that?" his mood changes as fast as a flick of a light switch "we should decide on a time. how about monday 5? or...tuesday? friday?"

"any time is okay with me" aeri bent ever so slightly and patted inho on his head. inho was short, very short even aeri had to bend down. his image just screamed 'little child' and '4 years old' to her.

"you're not letting that kid in our house" jisung groaned, following her as they dodged their way towards the back exit

"that house is my house. but i mean if you're so eager to get a house that's ours, i could make it happen" she caught her father's eyes on the way out, where she dismissed it entirely

"now you're just twisting the meaning"

"i'm not twisting it, im defining it"

"not very well"

"still defined it"


"princess...?" inho butt into their argument, voice as soft as a mouse as if he even dared make a single sound, she would chop him into bits.

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