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Jihyo needed time to realize that she was the only Keeper to make it out with her group. Allov was a nice planet that was destroyed, and it can't come back. She sat on the couch, now with the responsibility to watch over and care for these girls. She went from Keeper to mom, and it was 8 of the craziest girls.

She walked upstairs to check on the girls, but Sooyoung just finished putting the last of the girls into their clothes. She took them to her room, and Mina stood in front of her, "Umm...Can we take these bracelets off now?"

Jihyo shook her head, "I'm sorry Mina, not yet. But you will get to take them off soon."

Jeongyeon sat down on the floor with Nayeon, "You get used to it Mina, I have how many more days?"

Jihyo smiled, "2 more days, but we have to be careful with your powers now. Only because we aren't in the same place anymore."

Doyoung stopped at the doorway, "Miss, the rooms are ready."

Jihyo nodded, "Doyoung, Sooyoung, I want you to meet the girls. I wanted to have this meeting now, since we are all here in the room, and it is the perfect time to do it."

Sooyoung and Doyoung sat down on the bed while the kids sat on the floor, except Tzuyu, she was sitting on Sooyoung's lap. Jihyo was sitting on the floor next to the kids, "Okay so let's do introductions and powers. I'll start, but you guys already know me. I'm Jihyo, I was your Keeper, but I will explain more after this."

All the kids introduced themselves, which left Sooyoung and Doyoung. Doyoung smiled, "I'm Doyoung and I don't have any powers. I'm the butler, so if you ever need anything, you can come to me. I am also your sparring partner, so when you girls get older, I will teach you some moves you can use instead of using your powers."

Jihyo smiled, then looked at Sooyoung who was playing with Tzuyu's hair. She went next, "I'm Sooyoung, but you can call me Joy. I don't have powers, but I cook, clean, and I will also be watching over you along with Doyoung and Miss Park. Also if you need anything, you can come to me as well. I don't fight, so I will just be somewhere in the house."

Everyone looked at Jihyo, who sighed, "Do you all understand why you came to Earth?"

Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Momo nodded, but Dahyun, Mina, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu shook their heads. Jihyo looked down, "Allov was hit by a giant rock, also known as an asteroid. The rock caused Allov to blow up, meaning it was no longer safe to live on, so we are going to be living here. Everyone tried their best to leave and make it safely here."

Nayeon raised her hand, "So when can we see our friends?"

Jihyo shook her head, "Um, we were the only ones who made it out. I'm sorry. I checked on everyone and it was only us." This hit hard, meaning the kids can no longer see their friends.

After giving them a while to take it all in, they continued the conversation since it was important to have it now instead of later. Mina was the first one to say something, "Is there anything else?"

Jihyo nodded, but waited until everyone was ready. She took a deep breath before continuing, "So, I want to do this because you guys will be living here with me. I'm here to take care of you and love you. I've always done it from afar, but now I'm here in person. On Earth, it's called adoption, which would mean I'm no longer your Keeper, but I would be your mom. Only if you want that, this would be our family." It didn't take long for the kids to accept the offer, hugging Jihyo, accepting their new mom.

Jihyo looked over at Doyoung, "Can you please call Jisoo and tell her what happened, telling her that I will be adopting them. I want them to have a normal life and actually be part of this world." Doyoung nodded and left the room so he could make the call.

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