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The trip to the bookstore was a little complicated, a bunch of complaining about being there kept coming up. Doyoung and Sooyoung went with Jihyo just because controlling 8 kids is hard, but just to make the trip go by faster, is separate, but since they are still kids, it's best to have an adult with them. Doyoung went with Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo while Sooyoung went with Sana, Mina, and Dahyun. Jihyo went with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu just because this was going to be the book that she will be reading to them or Sooyoung, but either way same thing. No details about the trip, except Jihyo was going to lose it if she hears one more complaint about being there.

When they finished, Nayeon left with 3 books, Jeongyeon with 2, Momo with 4, Sana with 3, Mina with 5, Dahyun with 3, Chaeyoung picked 3 and Tzuyu picked 4. Lots of reading, but Jihyo was glad she wouldn't have to hear another complaint about being at the bookstore. When they finally got back to the house, Jihyo stopped the kids "Before you do anything, go put your books down in your rooms" More groans "I swear if I hear one more complaint from any of you.." That kept the kids quiet, and they ran to their rooms. Sooyoung was about to head out again "Don't let them walk over you Miss" Jihyo nodded "Well I never had kids, and I wasn't supposed to meet them until they were older, but yea I need to be stronger." Sooyoung nodded "I'm going to go out and order and all the things for their rooms." Jihyo nodded and laid on the couch.

Mina walked in "Mom, can we do something?" Jihyo looked at her "Like?" Sana ran in with 3 of the dogs following her "Can we go back to the game room?" Jihyo sighed "No, since you guys spent all your time at the bookstore complaining and whining you can go read a book. And not be on the IPad" Mina pouted "We sorry" Jihyo nodded and stood up "Let's go upstairs" A pouting Sana and Mina followed and entered Momo's room where all of them were on the IPad. Jihyo walked in "Okay, no more IPad now" she took the IPad and turned it off holding it. Everyone was looking at her sad, Jihyo leaned against the door frame "You all wanted to complain and whine about going to the bookstore, which didn't even take long. So what you guys can do now is pick a book to read. So 30 minutes read a book. Read for an hour or if you finish the book before the time."

They all nodded leaving the room, but Jihyo stopped Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. "Go choose a book together, we'll read that." They nodded and ran out the room, after a little bit Jihyo checked each room, and there they all were laying on the beds reading a book, Jihyo had put an alarm for 30 minutes. She walked into Tzuyu's room, and they both chose a book about a zoo, oh that should be fun. Jihyo took her time reading to them, and since it was a short book, it didn't take long for them to finish. So she asked if they wanted to read another book, because it had only been 10 minutes. They both said no, and Jihyo nodded "Since a book was read to you both, then I'll leave the IPad here, you both can play it here." They nodded, and Jihyo left closing the door, she walked around and checked the rooms, before walking to Jeongyeon's room, Mina ran out "Mom I finished my book" Jihyo turned out and looked at the book "Okay, you can go play now" Mina had a such an adorable gummy smile and left.

After the 30 minutes, Jihyo went to their rooms to tell them, and when she walked into Nayeon's room, she was sleep on the bed, her book on the 5th page. Jihyo went to Jeongyeon's room "Hey you can go play now" Jeongyeon closed the book no hesitation, Jihyo doesn't think she was actually reading, but she let it go. When she went to Sana's room, she was already gone, then heard her laughing in Mina's room "Sana did you read?" Sana nodded "I heard you tell Jeongyeon that times up, so I closed my book and came here" That didn't take long, so she walked to Dahyun's room, she was almost done with hers "Dub, you can stop" Dahyun nodded "I know, but I want to finish" Jihyo smiled and walked out. She went downstairs and headed to the kitchen when Doyoung walked in "Miss, I was just about to make lunch" Jihyo smiled again "It's fine, go relax, I will cook."

Doyoung chuckled "I'm sorry what?" She knew where he was coming from "I will cook, I will follow a recipe" He shook his head "Miss, as much as I would love for you to do it and I relax, I won't be able to if you were in here cooking" Jihyo scoffed "Okay Doyoung, call Sooyoung and get her opinion" He smirked, pulled out his phone and called her "Hey Sooyoung" "Yes?" Jihyo smiled, she thinks shes about to win, Doyoung continues "Miss Park told me to go relax and that she will cook" A gasp was heard "You didn't let her right" Another scoff from Jihyo "What is wrong with me cooking" A chuckle was heard through the line "Miss, think about the last time you tried to cook" Jihyo thought back, and there was a picture of a melted pan smothered in flames "I was able to take out the fire, and I was young okay" Doyoung nodded "Yea, and ever since then, you know you are not allowed to cook" Jihyo agreed that it was fair "I won't set anything on fire. I will be careful, I'm older now, I have my own company, I'm mature"

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