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That night Jihyo is going to help Doyoung with dinner. The excitement Jihyo has to help, because maybe now she won't be banned from cooking. While getting ready, Doyoung tells Jihyo what to do. She set the pan on fire, but luckily Doyoung didn't see it. But the rest of the cooking went fairly okay, Doyoung has a strong line of patience, Jihyo was definitely testing it, not on purpose. But dinner was ready, and it actually looked pretty good, and when Jihyo tasted it, it was good. She called everyone down for dinner, and served everyone. Sooyoung and Chaeyoung are the only ones that know she cooked the dinner. Jeongyeon took a bite and looked up "Who made this?" Doyoung smiled "Do you like it?" Nayeon nodded "It's good, but it tastes different from yours and Joy's cooking" Jihyo chuckled "Just tell him who does and doesn't like it" Chaeyoung gave Jihyo a thumbs up, and and everyone looked at Doyoung and told him it was good. Jihyo let out a sigh of relief "Okay, that's good, I made it" They all looked at Jihyo with shock, Mina looks at Sooyoung and Doyoung "I thought she was banned from the kitchen, I remember you guys freaking out when she nearly burned the kitchen down" Doyoung nodded "She was supposed to make it yesterday, but didn't so today she made it. And she begged me so I agreed, she didn't set anything on fire, so I guess she's okay" Jihyo nervously chuckled "You want to know why I kept telling you not to touch the pan, is not because I want to do it. It's because I accidentally set it on fire and it was too hot for you to touch"

Doyoung sighed and gave Sooyoung a few bucks, and Sooyoung smiled. Jihyo looked at them confused "You did not just bet on me?" Doyoung nodded "I said that you wouldn't set anything on fire. Why did you have to say that?" Sooyoung laughed "Yea, and I said you would. Also we agreed if I win, there is no going back on the banned statement" Jihyo gasp "Even if I did a good job?" Doyoung nodded "That's true Joy" Sooyoung chuckled "Yea, imagine if she didn't have Fire Control, we wouldn't have a kitchen" Jihyo took another bite before talking "Look what if I can cook, but only with supervision" Doyoung agreed, Sooyoung was hesitate but agreed, and that's how Jihyo became childlike for the night.

The next day after school, Jihyo waited in the basement and Nayeon came down. Jihyo and Nayeon walked to the sparing area, and got ready. Today Nayeon was learning how to fight against Mind Control, Speed, Telekinesis, and her own power. Jihyo made sure she had her guard ready, Sooyoung and Doyoung came down to watch, Doyoung to help Nayeon if she needs a fight move, Sooyoung for whoever gets knocked down, mainly for Jihyo. At the end, Nayeon would be going against Jihyo and all her powers, well maybe this day or the next, it all depends on how both of them feel.

First up Mind Control "Okay, so now I can read you mind, you need to find a distraction to think of, but fighting this power takes a lot of concentration. You need to think of something that is not the fight, and focus on what you are going to do. But Mind Control can control your mind, when that happens you need to work fast and use your power to go back and get out." Nayeon nodded, and Jihyo put her guard in. Jihyo went into Nayeon's mind, and Nayeon was thinking about the dogs, but didn't let her guard down, and was able to block Nayeon and knock her down, Nayeon got out of the way, and Jihyo went for the next step and stopped Nayeon and started to control her mind, but Nayeon got out quickly, not because she felt it was because she was already going back in time. Nayeon ran forward, and Jihyo stopped her controlling again, Nayeon felt it this time, but before Jihyo fully got control Nayeon went back  in time and swept Jihyo's feet, causing Jihyo to fall. Jihyo kicked Nayeon away, Nayeon fell back. Jihyo stood up, and Nayeon went back in time just to stop Jihyo's foot, and flipping her over to pin her. Jihyo groaned "Ow, okay"Nayeon got off Jihyo and helped her up. Doyoung stood up "Nayeon can I show you something" Doyoung showed Nayeon a better way to execute the move she tried on Jihyo. Nayeon got the hang of it, and Jihyo was ready to fight Doyoung instead.

They moved onto the next power "Speed, this one can be tricky, because even when you go back in time it will seem like they are still running, so you need to time it right. They are really fast, so you need to stay in power at all times, because it slows them down. Going back in time can hardly help, so slow down time, it will be a fair fight." Nayeon nodded "Wait why can't I just go back?" Jihyo thought of how to explain it "Well, it's because when you go back, you're able to move, but they are moving backwards right, but with their speed it's like they can fight against time and still be able to move forward." Nayeon nodded and they got ready. Jihyo signaled she was going to start, she took Nayeon by surprise by tripping her. Nayeon slowed down time, and Jihyo's speed was slowed. It became a fair fight, Nayeon got a few hits in, but took a swing on Jihyo, and accidentally knocked her out. Nayeon stopped and everyone froze, Sooyoung went to check on Jihyo, and shook her. They all waited for a while, and Jihyo finally woke up "Aww" Nayeon ran over "Mom, oh my, I am so sorry" Jihyo shook her head "No you did good, It was unexpected, and my strength couldn't protect me, but you are a good fighter." Jihyo got up "I think you got the hang of speed. Let's move on" Sooyoung stepped in "Jihyo, you got knocked out, I think you should stop" Jihyo shook her head "I'm okay, the best thing about a keeper, is that their powers can give them energy to fight for a long time even if I get hurt like that. I'll relax after"

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