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The following year had come around, Nayeon was training a lot more, Mina finally got the hang of her power, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu were all practicing together in anyway they can. They also spent a lot more time together because they were the only ones left at the middle school so they called themselves the 'School Meal Club' now. Jeongyeon and Momo are 16 and waiting for Sana to be 16 which is tomorrow. Sooyoung was getting somethings, and Doyoung was taking the others out so they can buy something for Sana. Jihyo was preparing herself for the training and hope it goes well.

The next day, Sana came downstairs to the birthday surprise with a cake. Later after school they will pick up their friends and head back to the house. Sooyoung picks up Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu along with SinB, Somi, and Elkie. Doyoung picks up Mina, Momo Sana, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon along with Yuju, Eunha, Hyojung, Sejeong and Sowon. Sana could've just stuck to inviting only her friends, but she is friends with her sister's friends and like having them around as well.

Jihyo gets home and gets changed and walks into Sana's room "Hey girls, um Sana can you meet me in the basement, we'll come back later" Sana nodded and headed down, Jihyo gathered Jeongyeon and Momo as well and went downstairs. She held out 3 rings "Okay, I could've given these to you both when you turned of age, but you said to wait so here we are" Jeongyeon grabbed the ring "It's pretty" Jihyo nodded "These are the rings of the keeper, it allows you to communicate to me, and if in any harm and your powers are useless or no way of getting out, I can give you another power." She put the rings on their finger and turned it on having a blue light go around it. They all stared in awe.

Jihyo smiled "So only use this in an emergency and I will talk you through it or give you a power if needed." They all nodded and Jihyo hugged them all "Okay, so we can train today or wait but they are spending the weekend here so might as well pick a day." They all chose today and Momo looked around "Can they come down and watch?" Jihyo nodded "Go and get dressed, I will meet you down here" They all ran upstairs well except Sana she teleported.

After a while they all came downstairs and Jihyo smiles "Okay, Eunha, Hyojung, and Sejeong you can sit there and watch them learn." They nodded and sat down at the sparing area, Jihyo called Jeongyeon "Okay so training all 3 of you at the same time is difficult, but I think I got this. When all 3 of you learn how to fight against the others powers you will be able to fight against each other and one of you will be with me. We will learn the rest tomorrow, of not a lot of time today." They nod and all walk forward.

Jihyo smiles "So Nayeon's power, time control. She has the ability to mess with your powers, for Jeong she can stop your powers from hitting her, so be quick and unpredictable. Momo she will be able to get you in shock and a strong chance of knocking you out. Sana she can take away your teleportation and mess with time around you. Her messing with the time can cause you to be confused, so let's begin." They got into position while Jihyo took a deep breath "Okay so fighting, do some moves that Doyoung taught you, I won't strike you but I will mess with the time, it is your job to be alert and take me down, use your powers if you want, I just want to start you with the basics of her power. Ready?" They all nodded.

Jihyo looked at them and ran forward, pulling time forward and appearing behind them, she gave them a little push and went back in time, Sana teleported behind Jihyo and tapped her. Jihyo put a time out "Sana you are supposed to hit me, pretend I'm a bad guy, tackle me, punch me, kick me, it will show you know what you are doing and is able to stop me." Sana nodded, but would feel really bad for doing that, but she needs to. They all circled around Jihyo who nodded which meant they were starting, and went back in time to pull back from Momo's punch, Sana again teleported around Jihyo and kicked her down.

Jihyo fell to the floor and went forward in time giving Momo a little push and Momo swung back missing Jihyo. Jeongyeon found Jihyo saw her going forward and shot at her, Jihyo put her hands up which shot her back into Momo. Momo swung again on Jihyo but Jihyo went back in time and circled around Sana, Momo tripped Jihyo and flipped her onto her back. Jihyo then stood up "Okay, each of you got me once, continue or practice the movement?" They all chose to continue, and Jihyo nodded and looked around, she got a chair and put it on the sparing table. "Now we will do this one at a time, Sana you first. Stand behind me" Jeongyeon and Momo walked off and Sana stood behind Jihyo, Jihyo looked up "Eunha come here" Sana went wide eye and watched as Eunha walked forward.

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