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They made their way to the golf course, Jihyo was driving all of them, this was going to be a fun day. She never gets to spend time like this with her kids, so this was going to be a  good memory. When they get down, Jihyo pays for everyone, and they start off at the first course "Okay, so winner will get 15 dollars, lowest amount of hits win" Everyone agreed, so they all went in age order from youngest to oldest. Tzuyu hit the ball and it missed the pocket by a little but, which then Tzuyu whined. Chae went next and hit it to hard, which hit Tzuyu's ball further away. Tzuyu hit Chae "What the heck" Chaeyoung laughed "Sorry bro" Dahyun went next "You know why I decided to wear 2 pants today...well just in case I get a hole-in-one" Everyone started to hit her except Jihyo, after a while she stopped them. Dahyun laughed and hit the ball, but too softly "Next time" Mina stepped up and shot it hitting a hole in one "BEAT THAT" Dahyun sighed "Dang it Mina"

Jihyo laughed marking, and signaling Sana to go next. Sana did but it it way off and it was just the first hole. Momo went next and hit it knocking Tzuyu's ball further "Sorry Tzu" Tzuyu face palmed "I'm done" Jeongyeon stepped up and looked at Nayeon "You're on" She hit it hitting Chaeyoung's ball and into the hole "HA" Nayeon pushed Jeongyeon "Step aside" Nayeon hit in a hole and one "That is how you do it" Jihyo laughed "Okay is there a challenge here?" Nayeon nodded, and Jihyo nodded "Well now let's wait for the others"

Tzuyu went hitting the ball into the hole "I will hit the next person who knocks my ball in the next round" Chae laughed nervously "Thanks to Jeong I'm further away" She missed the hole "Well looks like I won't win" Dahyun hit hers in and celebrated, which Sana looked at the hole "I'm with Chae, I'm not gonna win" She hit the ball and hit Chae's ball in sending Sana's away "WHAT?!" Chae jumped up "I'LL TAKE IT" Jihyo high fived Chae as she celebrated. Momo went next and hit Sana's ball blocking it from moving towards the hole without hitting something. Sana looked at Momo "Watch it next time Momo" Momo laughed. Sana hit the ball hard enough to send hers forward a little and Momo's ball away from the hole "Told you" Momo hit it in, then Sana hit hers in.

Jihyo enjoyed watching them be like this, she looked at the paper "Okay, so Nayeon, Jeong, and Mina have 1 point. Tzuyu, Dahyun, Chaeyoung have 2 points, Momo has 3 and Sana has 4." Sana groaned "Dang it Momo!" Momo laughed as they all went to the next hole....by the end of the entire game which was mostly Nayeon and Jeongyeon trying to win, but the others trying not to swing the golf club on someone's face. Jihyo returned all the clubs and balls, then walked over to the 8 "Okay, so final score is Momo with 34, Sana with 35, Mina with 31, Dahyun with 37, Chaeyoung with 36, Tzuyu with 32. Nayeon and Jeongyeon both tied with 30" Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other both in disbelief, and Jihyo counted again "Wait Jeongyeon has 29" Jeongyeon jumped up "YES!" Nayeon groaned "Mom you shouldn't have counted again"

Jihyo smiled "Okay, who's hungry, let's go grab lunch" They all went the park, and Jihyo ordered pizza, sodas, and chicken for all of them to eat. Jihyo watched as all 8 of her kids played tag around her, and took a few videos of them running. It only took around 15 minutes for the pizza to arrive, and the chicken came just a second later. Jihyo set it up "Girls come eat!" All of them ran back and Jihyo started passing out plates where they can eat. Mina dived right into eating, Chaeyoung asked for a drink, and Jihyo passed those out as well.

They ate for a while, after Jihyo took a selfie of all 9 of them together, and smiled "So how's training coming along for you all?" Nayeon gave a thumbs up, and Jeongyeon sighed "The high level move is too hard" Jihyo shook her head "It just takes practice Jeong, you'll get it" Nayeon stopped eating for a second "So what happens if I challenge you and lose?" Jihyo shook her head "You don't become a master, and you have to try again" Momo looked up "So do we get protective gear?" Jihyo thought for a second "Well on Allov, you wouldn't normally be getting protective gear, but I would suggest it. Only because it's not an easy fight, I use full force fire, strength, electricity , I'm not going easy like I would with practice."

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