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That night, it all went well, Jihyo was okay. The next day, and it also being a Friday was even better. The kids loved Mina's new hair, and think that was the reason she left school early, so she just let them believe that. After school was better, Dahyun and Tzuyu were gonna get some practice in, but not long. Nayeon finally got the hang of Momo and Sana's fight skills, it was starting to get too easy for her, Jeongyeon was still practicing her aim, Mina was now off on her aim because the next stage is harder to control, but it's still working. Tzuyu was throwing things at Dahyun, while Dahyun was trying to control Tzuyu's mind, but getting hit keeps distracting her. Chaeyoung was watching Jeongyeon practice, Jeongyeon wanting to practice that movie again, but was scared of setting the place on fire. Doyoung came down "Chae?" Chaeyoung walked to Doyoung "Doyoung"

Doyoung laughed a little "Jihyo wants me to show you moves all I ask is you don't take the air out of me" Chaeyoung nodded "Sure, I'll be careful" Doyoung showed Chaeyoung moves, that is when Dahyun and Tzuyu walked over to watch. Doyoung waved "Do you girls want to learn?" They both nodded, and Doyoung told Dahyun and Chaeyoung to be partners since they are both short, but didn't tell them that. Doyoung was teaching them all how to block, hit, take down, so they can all learn. Momo, Sana, Nayeon stopped and started watching Mina and Jeongyeon learn their moves. Mina could get her aim correctly, she started to get very very frustrated.

She sparked both her hands and it shot everywhere, causing it to scare everyone. Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Sana, and Momo went to watch her. Dahyun saw them and ran over "Hey stay behind the barrier, if she blows she will fly you to the walls." They nodded, and Dahyun ran back to training with Chae. Mina again after calming down tried to shoot but kept missing her targets. One spark she shot didn't shoot it created all the electricity all around her, she pressed all the electricity down, she pushed it everywhere, she stood up eyes sparking. She shot her target perfectly, then it calmed down and fell to the floor. It was too much power for her to handle, but her power takes over, and she doesn't do it on her own.

Nayeon ran over "Mina!" Jeongyeon was shocked "What just happened?" Jihyo had felt it above and teleported down "Her power is too much for her to handle", Jihyo picked Mina up as carefully as she could, for Mina and for her arm "I'll put her to bed, she needs rest" Momo nodded "But what was that?" Jihyo smiled "Her high level power" Jeongyeon looked at Jihyo's hair "But your hair isn't colored" Jihyo nodded "She needs to attempt it on her own, her powers can't take over and do it on their own. When she does it on her own, it won't take this much energy out of her" Momo was frozen "Wait why were her eyes?" Jihyo smiled "Just like when Jeongyeon does a high level move, her hair glows. Mina, well her eyes spark" Jihyo then left to put Mina to bed.

Sana finally was able to speak "That was scary" Nayeon nodded "Someone stop me next time I decide to make Mina mad" Jeongyeon nodded "Me too" They all moved on, Jeongyeon went back to practice "I need help" Nayeon, Momo, and Sana nodded, and Jeongyeon smiled "Okay, well I'm gonna practice my high level move, I just need aim. So if I make a mistake I need one of you to turn that knob. But stay behind the barrier" They all stepped back, Jeongyeon took a deep breath and concentrated. Her blue hair started to glow, and held fire in her hands before doing the move. Jeongyeon shot the fire with both hands then pulling it back into a circle around her, then built it up and shot it at the target dummy. She hit the dummy behind her, but not in the way it should, it slowly started lighting more things on fire. Jeongyeon panicked and tried to defuse it, but when she defused one item, another would light up. Jeongyeon panicked more "TURN THE KNOB!!" At that point more than half of her area was lit up in blue flames, Nayeon ran and turned it on, showers came down from the ceiling taking all the fires out.

Jeongyeon sat on the floor as the water came down "UGH This will never work" Momo turned off the knobs "Jeong, you can't expect to get it right away. Practice, you'll get better" Jeongyeon got up and grabbed a towel "Thanks Mo, so I'm done practicing for the day. How about you?" They all nodded and headed up stairs, meanwhile Dahyun and Chaeyoung were having a good fight with their powers, but didn't know the proper ways of stopping them. Tzuyu was trying hard not to flip Doyoung, but was having fun learning more moves. Later they all finished and went upstairs, Sooyoung had snacks for all of them "Okay can someone tell me why Jeongyeon keeps getting soaked? Does someone have like water powers?"

Chae laughed "No Joy, she was practicing her high level move, but when she sets the whole practice area on fire, we have to turn on the sprinklers and it rains water on everything." Sooyoung smiled "Doyoung will have dinner in a little bit" Doyoung looked up from eating the snacks "I will?" Sooyoung smiled "Yup, I will be checking in on Mina" He nodded, and everyone went on with the rest of their day.

The next morning Jihyo, Sooyoung, and Doyoung got up early. Jihyo smiled "So you don't have to worry about me, you guys spend the whole day with your siblings" Doyoung sighed "Please, all I ask is that you don't cook" Sooyoung nodded "Do NOT actually fight, just coach" Jihyo nodded "Will do my good sir and ma'am" Doyoung got up "I'll make them breakfast before I leave" Jihyo stopped him "No, just get dressed and head out. They can eat cereal or I will buy them breakfast" Sooyoung gets up "Okay, we'll go. I swear if I hear you flew into another wall so help me Jihyo" Jihyo smiled "Okay you won't hear about it" Both Sooyoung and Doyoung got dressed and left the house around 10, Jihyo left to go pick up breakfast and came home with Tzuyu being the only one awake "Hey Tzu"

Tzuyu sat down "No breakfast?" Jihyo puts down the food bags "Yes there is breakfast, I gave Sooyoung and Doyoung the whole day off, and Doyoung still banned me from cooking so here we are" Tzuyu looked through the bags "If they don't come down in time, can I eat all this?" Jihyo shook her head "I'm gonna go wake up your sisters, unless you want to?" Tzuyu jumped up "Can I hit them with a pillow?" Jihyo thought about it "Sure, be careful with Mina, the others go ahead" Tzuyu ran upstairs one by one hitting them with a pillow in the face screaming "Wake Up!" Then with Mina softly shaking her "Minari, get up. Mom has breakfast" Mina got up, and so did the others but with groans.

Downstairs, they all ate the food. Jeongyeon looking up "So what are we doing today?" Jihyo shrugged "Well Jeongyeon I'm gonna train you for about an hour, then we can do whatever you guys want for the rest of the day" Jeongyeon nodded "Okay" Mina looked up "Mom, can you help me too?" Jihyo smiled "Mina, for yours it's gonna be a little different, and that I'm going to have to wait to get my cast off, but for now. It's all about aim practice, but it's all about if you can do it, just take a break calm down and go back after a while. You won't explode like you did yesterday" Mina nodded "Okay" Jihyo looked around "We can make a fort in the living room and watch a movie or 2, or we can go out. Not to the mall though, maybe mini golfing or we can go to the movie theaters" Nayeon and Dahyun stood up "Mini golfing!" Everyone agreed and Jihyo nodded "So golfing, lunch, then ice cream?" They all nodded, and it was set.

Jihyo finished her food "So around 12 we can leave. It gives you guys time right?" Everyone nodded and Jeongyeon tapped Jihyo "Mom, but what about training?" Jihyo smiled "When we come home, we can do one hour" Jeongyeon nodded and ran upstairs to get ready. Jihyo herself got ready, they had a whole fun day ahead of them. Also going to be very chaotic, but Jihyo didn't know that, also that Nayeon and Jeongyeon are very competitive.

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