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Jeongyeon waited until Hyojung came to the house, and sat her down on her bed "Out of all the times you have come over, have you ever noticed anything?" She shook her head, then Jeongyeon sat down "You know my jacket, where you asked where they symbol is from?" She nods slowly, still haven't said a word. Jeongyeon continued "That's my mark, I have it on my arm, it marks that this is my power" Hyojung started laughing "Okay, that's funny" Jeongyeon wasn't laughing, which made Hyojung stop laughing "Jeongyeon stop messing with me" Jeongyeon stood up and sat on the bean bag at the corner of her room "I would think you would want to stay away from me now, but I am not messing with you. I have Fire Control, I can make and control fire, even put out a fire. I can show you, but it won't make me less than what I am right now. I can tell you my whole story of how I have it and what happened" Hyojung nodded "Tell me then show me". Jeongyeon explain the story of what happened to Allov and how they all ended up here and who Jihyo is. Then stood up and grabbed the candle in her room "Look I won't do anything to big" She made a fire and held it in her hand for Hyojung to see then lit the candle, sitting back down away from Hyojung. She had wide eyes and stood up and stepped away from Jeongyeon "I understand you are the same person I became friends with, but dude that is just weird" Jeongyeon sighed and sunk deeper in the bean bag "Go ahead and call your mom if you want, I understand" Hyojung took a deep breath and walked to the bean bag next to Jeongyeon "I won't leave, I'm just freaked out. I'm sorry for what happened to your planet. Its just that I have never seen that. I'm okay now, you do have your powers under control right?" Jeongyeon nodded "Yea, ever since 4th grade I have, I am just better at it than I would be now at 15." Hyojung nodded "Yea, okay this is cool" Jeongyeon looked at her "Thank you for not leaving, also I wanted to tell you for a long time, but mom said not to tell anyone. We just got permission that if we want we can, but to people we have 100% trust in" Hyojung hugged Jeongyeon "Thanks for trusting me"

Momo and Sejeong was easier kind of, Momo didn't hesitate to tell Sejeong, but Sejeong didn't freak out as bad, she just joked around "So if I ever have a bully I can call you?" Momo laughed "Yes, but I won't use my strength to beat them up, I will just stop them, and taking a punch is easy." Sejeong laughed and turned on the TV "Don't worry Mo, I still love you as the person I became friends with. I will just make as many jokes as I can" Momo laid on the bed, she watched TV with Sejeong as they laughed about the different things Momo could do with her strength.

Sana was on the verge of confessing to Eunha about having a crush on her, but now wasn't the time. She believes that if Eunha accepts her for her now, then she will have a better chance to confess. After walking back to her room, she saw Eunha watching TV and scrolling through her phone every so often after watching a scene. Sana took a photo of her, and put it with all the other embarrassing photos she has of her and her friends. She closed the door and walked over and laid on the bed "Eunha, I have something to tell you. It's really important" Eunha sat up "Yea go ahead, I'm here for you" Sana groaned, then speed through what she was saying "I'm not from her and have powers" Eunha chuckled "Slow down" Sana took a deep breath "I'm not from here as in Earth, I was born on a planet called Allov, and I have powers" Eunha didn't say anything, then after a while spoke "Why are you on Earth now?" Sana sighed "When I was 8, an asteroid hit and our planet is no longer a planet. Me, my sisters, and mom are the only ones that made it out. Allov was a planet full of people with powers, Earth was just a place that we wished we were, and a place our keepers would take us when we are of age, or if we didn't want that life" Eunha nodded and played with Sana's hair "Wow, so um you have powers?" Sana nodded and showed her mark, and Eunha watched it appear on her wrist and was surprised and had no words. "Uhh what are your powers?" Sana moved Eunha's hand and teleported to the baby couch in her room "Teleportation" Eunha was frozen and Sana let her calm down, then when she did "Wow, so now can you come back her and watch TV with me?" Sana was shocked "You're not freaked by me or anything?" Eunha shook her head "No, because we have spent 7 years together as friends Sana, now I know you have powers what difference does that make you?" Sana teleported to the bed and laid down, Eunha chuckled "Just tell me if you will teleport so I don't have a heart attack" Sana nodded and they spent that time watching TV.

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