Part 11- Trust me

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Marinette walked back home after her encounter with Luka. Although she said that he needn't walk her back home, deep inside she wanted him to. She wanted him to hold her by her hand and walk her home. Give her a good bye kiss, and smile waving at her before she'd go inside.

"Haa" Marinette sighed. "Maybe I should have walked home with him."

"So why didn't you, Marinette?" Tikki whispered from Marinette's bag.

"I don't know...guess...I didn't think much of it."

"Well now you can't help it anyway."

"Yeah, I know...but then, maybe it was for the best. I mean, we didn't really come out through the front door anyway. It would be suspicious of me if papa and mama would see us walk in through the front door when I specifically told them that I have homework to do."

"'re right about that." Tikki said. "Wait. So does that mean..."

"Yep. We're gonna have to climb up to the balcony."

"So why don't you just turn into Lady bug?"

"I don't want to tire you Tikki. After all we do have to be vigilant if Hawk Moth would actually cause an akuma attack."

"Yeah, that is true. You're so sweet Marinette."

"Oh, it's nothing Tikki." Marinette smiles. "You've done a lot for me. How could I not care about you?"

"You're really are different Marinette. You deserve the Lady Bug miraculous."

"Aww...thanks Tikki."

"I'm really happy that I worked with you for three years. I'm really glad its you." Marinette smiles. She pats Tikki's head softy with her palm.

"And I'm glad I got to know you and work with you. You're a really important person to me. And I love you."

"I love you too Marinette." They both laugh, until they finally reached the bakery. Marinette quickly ran to the back and looked for a ladder or something that she could use to climb up to the balcony. Marinette found the spare ladder that they used when they would clean the bakery board. She used a force to get the ladder out of the buried pile of other things.

"Urrgghh!" she strained as she finally pulled the ladder out. "Yes!"

"Careful Marinette."

"I'm okay Tikki." she leaned the ladder on the wall. "Okay. Let's go." She began climbing up the ladder.

"Marinette...Be careful."

"I will Tikki. Don't worry." Marinette slowly climbed up one step at a time. When she arrived almost to the top, she accidentally missed her foot and fell back.

"Marinette!" Tikki cried out.

Two strong hands quickly grabbed Marinette and stopped her from the fall. "A-are you okay?"

Marinette's eyes were closed as she was scared. Hearing that voice, she slowly opened her eyes and see Adrien. His eyes were filled with worry and fright.


Adrien turned Marinette to face him and checked for any injuries. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Marinette slowly pushed his hands away from her. "Adrien, what are you doing here?"

"Never mind that, are you okay? What were you doing climbing a ladder? Couldn't you just walk through the front door?" Questions burst out through his mouth, making Marinette to become annoyed. She pushes him with a bit more force. "Adrien what are you doing here?" She cried out. Adrien froze. He backed up.

"I'm sorry Marinette. I-I was j-just..." Adrien sighed. "I was coming over to the bakery to buy some croissants. But then I saw you, sneaking up behind and I just wanted to see what you were doing. But then you almost fell and I couldn't help but..." He paused. "I'm sorry."

"That's fine." Adrien and Marinette looked at each other. "Thanks for saving me. And...I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled. It was just so surprising to see you."

"I'm glad I was able to make it in time to save you." Adrien smiled. He looked at the ladder, which Marinette notices. He turns to her and points at the ladder. "Why were you climbing up the ladder? couldn't you just use the front door?"

"Huh? Oh! this?" Marinette flustered. "Well, umm...I... was, well," Adrien looked at her confused. "Actually...I sneaked out of home...and I sneaked out through the I use the front door I would be caught red handed for sneaking out. That's why I was using the ladder to climb up to the balcony."

"Oh. I see... But what were you doing sneaking out of your own home anyway? You could have just told your parents and leave with their consent, right?"

"It's not that simple. Besides, it's not like you've never sneaked out of your home, without your father's consent."

"W-well, I sneak out because my father rarely lets me come out. But your parents are different. They'd let you go in and out when ever you please." Marinette regretted saying what she said.

"I'm sorry Adrien...but, I'll deal with can just go ahead and buy what you want from the bakery, and I'd just climb up to the balcony using this ladder okay?"


"What?" Marinette looked at him stunned.

"I said no." Adrien looked at her sternly. "You said you didn't want to get caught sneaking out right?"


"So, I'll create a distraction... so you can use the front door."

"W-what? no!"

"Just trust me."

"But Adrien..."

"Trust me." Adrien smiled.

Hi guys!
Hope you liked the chapter. Yeah I know I ended it with suspense...but you're going to have to wait till next time to see what Adrien's distraction is going to be. But please do comment on what you think "the distraction" is going to be.
Byee see you next week.
Take care. Stay safe.

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