Special Part 1 - Meet you

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Hi guys! I said I'd be doing an extra on the relationship between Gabriel, Emily, Tom and Sabine. Well, here you go. Again...this is my own theory, it has nothing in common with the original series.

---28 years earlier---

Gabriel Agreste was the son of a popular businessman, who was always expected to perform to the best of his ability, without any faults. He was most of the time not allowed to do anything he liked, as he was always flooded with responsibilities, to take up the business after his father. So he did everything that was needed of him.

But when ever he got the chance, he would draw and design various designs of clothes and acceeries. His mother saw his potential and always supported his work. She herself was a fan of his work. Gabriel loved his mother. His mother even spoke to his father and got him to attend school without being homeschooled. Gabriel was the happiest when his mother came to give him the news. Gabriel wasn't flooded with responsibilities, and had more time to himself.

Gabriel began to attend school. But unusually, he wasn't as happy as he was when he first got to know that he was going to attend school. His mother noticed this and asked him about it.

"Whats wrong Gabriel? You don't seem very happy."

"I...I'm sorry mother...Its just that, school doesn't really feel that interesting anymore. No one wants to be friends with me, unless of course it was for their own benefit."

Gabriel's mother smiled and embraced him. She patted his back, "I'm sure you'd meet some special friends Gabriel, you just have to wait."

Gabriel looked at his mother. "I don't know mother." He stood up. "I better get to bed, I have school tomorrow. Good Night Mother."

"Good night my son."

The next day, Gabriel attended school and sat in his class. The same old students entered the class.

"Hey, Gabes, Lets head out after school today to get something to eat." A boy grinned as he put his arm around Gabriel's neck.

"I'm sorry, I have work to attend after school." Gabriel refused. "And the name is 'Gabriel'."

The boy frowned. "What you rich boy? You think that just because your dad's a businessman who earn tons of money, we would just treat you well?" They smirked. They pulled Gabriel out of his seat and threw him onto the floor. They dropped all of his books and mocked him.

"HEY!" A girl's voice spoke up. The boys all looked to her. Gabriel also slowly raised his head. A girl, with blond hair tied into a low pony-tail, beautiful green emerald eyes, rosy lips stood with her hands on her hips. "Why not you leave him alone, huh?"

"Hah! And what if we don't, sweet heart." One of the boys walked to her reaching out a hand. The blond girl grabbed him by the wrist and threw him onto the floor. He fell with a loud THUD. Everyone looked surprised. Even Gabriel.

"Don't call me 'sweet heart', Kiddo." She looked at the rest, "Now, you're going to leave him alone," she looked at the boy on the floor, "or are you going to face the same fate as him?" She smirked.

The boys all just scattered away leaving Gabriel alone in the middle. The blond girl walked to Gabriel, she reached out her hand, "You going to get off the floor?"

"Oh...yes," Gabriel took her hand and stood. "T-thankyou."

"No worries. I'm Emilie."

"G-Gabriel. Gabriel Agreste."

"Well, its nice to meet you Gabriel."

"Its nice to meet you too."

"You know, just because you're from a wealthy family, it doesn't mean you cant fight back. You should just tell them off." Emilie chuckled.

Gabriel blushed. "Umm, well...I'm not used to this." He bent to pick up his things.

"That's okay, I'm new too." Emilie bends and helps him. While she helped him, she found some sketches of clothing designs. "Did you draw these?"

Gabriel blushed, 'Oh! yes, um...they're not finished."

"They are beautiful. You're really talented."

"Um...Thank you."

Emily smiled."Lets be friends. I met two other friends who would be a better option for you that those jerks."

"I-I'm really fine, I'm not very good with..."

"Oh shut up." She grabs his wrist and drags him outside the class.

"W-wait..." Gabriel cried as he was being dragged by Emilie.

They run across the corridor and come to a room.

"What is this place?" Gabriel asked looking around.

"Its a room we spend until classes start." Emily still holding him by the wrist with her left hand, opens the door nob with her right. When they entered the room a warm smell of baked bread filled up.

"Mmmm" Gabriel enjoyed the smell.

"Welcome to our secret hide-out. Well, its not really a 'hide-out'" Emilie said with her arms spread wide, and a bright smile.

"Emilie? Who's the friend?" A boy spoke.

"Tom..." A girl nudged him, making the boy wince.


"Tom, this is Gabriel." She introduced, then turning to Gabriel, "Gabriel this is Tom."

"Pleasure to meet you Gabriel, I'm Tom Dupain."

"Pleasures mine, I'm Gabriel Agreste."

"And this..." Emilie walked to the girl and embraced her. "This is Sabine Cheng."

"Bonjour, I'm Sabine Cheng."

"Bonjour. You're Chinese?" Gabriel questioned as he reached her hand for a hand shake.

"Yes, we moved to France when I was three." Sabine replied while returning the hand shake.

"Well, now that we're all aquainted...Tom?" Emilie grinned.


"Did you bring any?" Emilie leaned to Tom.

Tom smirked. "Yes, yes of course." He walked and reached into a bag and took out a box. He opened the box revealing freshly baked croissants.

"Woah..." Gabriel looked with eyes sparkling.

"This is Tom's speciality. He bakes with his dad." Emilie said as she held the box for Gabriel to take one.

"That is interesting."

"Yes, I enjoy it." Tom says as he reaches into his bag and takes out another smaller box. He gives it to Sabine, "These don't have peanuts Sabine. I know you're allergic to them, so I baked you these separately."

"Oh...Merci Beaucoup!" Sabine smiled blushing.

Emilie leaned to Gabriel, "These two are dating." She whispered.

Gabriel chuckled. "Oh, I see."

The four of them laugh and enjoy themselves.

Gabriel smiled, 'you were right mother, I will meet some right friends. I just needed to wait.'

---End of part 1---

Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter. I was actually planning on finishing their history in one chapter, but then I didn't really feel like ending this story just yet. I mean...this is my first story that i wrote since i joined 'wattpad', and all of your support was just so heart warming. I loved your comments. And I'm very thankful for your support.
So that's why, I'm going to do a series of 'special chapters' of the relationship between these four characters, while i upload some other special parts aswell. Please do await my story. Thankyou!

p.s. I hope you enjoy the double update.

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