Part 9- My Lady

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*at the Dupain-Chen bakery*

Marinette gazed at the locket as she sat at the table.

"Hmm...did you get that from somebody?" Mr.Dupain-Chen asked as he sat down beside his daughter at the table.

"Huh? Oh! Yes Papa." Marinette said smiling still gazing at the locket.

"Was it Adrien?" Mrs.Dupain-Chen asked curiously, as she placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"No." Marinette replied.

"Oh ho? Then who is it from?" Mr.Dupain-Chen asked excitingly.

"Oh my! Our girl's got an admirer?" Mrs.Dupain-Chen questioned as she gave out a big smile.

"No, Mama! Its not like that!" Marinette exclaimed embarrassed, trying to stop the wild thoughts of her parents. "He's just a really sweet friend." Marinette mumbled blushing. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Chen smiled.

"We understand sweetheart. We were just teasing you." Mrs.Dupain-Chen chuckled. "Is it Juleka's brother? What was his name," Mr.Dupain-Chen tapped his fore-head.

"Luka." Marinette replied.

"Ah! Yes! Luka!" he exclaimed. "You should invite him for tea sometime." Mr.Dupain Chen grinned.

"Papa!" Marinette wined blushing. Turning red as a tomato. They all laugh hugging each other. They were a very happy family who would always support each other. Cat Noir sat on the roof of the building in front of the bakery. He saw the love the family shared. He gave out a faint smile. "Marinette is very lucky." He let out a sigh. "Maybe I should come some other time. I wouldnt want to ruin the moment." He turned to leave but looked back at Marinette and her family. "Take care Princess." He turned and left. Marinettes eye caught a glimpse of him leaving. He pushed her parents back.

"I-I just remembered. I have some homework to do."

"Okay Marinette." Mr.Dupain-Chen smiled. "Once youre done, lets play some video games. I bet I can beat you this time."

"Ah ha! We'll see about that Papa." Marinette smirked as she headed up the stairs to her room. "See you later!"

"See you later!"

Marinette rushed up to her room. She kept the locket on the table. "Tikki come on out!"

"Whats wrong Marinette?"

"Tikki, we have to go meet someone."


"Our silly Kitty. I saw him outside. I think he wanted to talk."

"So then wouldnt he come inside?"

"He left Tikki."

"Maybe he has some work."

"Oh Tikki." Marinette face slapped herself. "Just- Just- urrgghh! Tikki! Spots on!" Marinette turned into Lady bug. She jumped out of her window and using her yo-yo she flew through the skies to look for her partner. She reached the Eifel Tower, hoping to find him there. To her luck he was there, sitting, staring at city with a relaxed but sad expression. Lady Bug smiled as she walked towards him.

"Hey Kitty!" Lady bug called out as she sat next to Cat Noir. He turned to her surprised. She looked at him smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"M-my Lady?" Cat Noir looked at her blushing. "I- I could ask you the same question."

"I came here to enjoy a view of the fabulous city of Paris!" Lady Bug exclaimed. "And you?"

"Well, I guess even I came for the same reason. It seems we have even our thoughts that are similar my Lady. We must be fated to be together." Cat Noir turned to her with a smirk.

"Urgghh!" Lady Bug rolled her eyes. "I regret coming here now."

"Aww, come on my Lady." Cat Noir chuckled and his tail waged. He was acting like a cat who is going to be given a new toy. Lady bug chuckled as she saw his reaction.

Lady bug sighed. "Are you okay Chatton?"

"Huh? Y-yes of course My Lady. I'm purr-fectly fine."

"Here we go again with your silly cat puns."

"I can't help it My Lady, you're the only one who I can share my "silly cat puns" with." He grinned showing his milky white teeth. But then turned his head and let out a sigh. "Until recently that is."

"Oh? How is that?" Lady bug questioned giving out a smirk. Of course she knew who he was talking about.

Cat noir chuckled. "She's a really great person, My Lady. I want to protect her and make her happy." Lady Bug blushed. She quickly turned her head so he wouldn't notice. "She's really awesome." Cat Noir said smiling. Lady Bug turned to him, eyes widened, confused. He had the same expression he had that day he felt relaxed in the bakery. A relaxed, sincere smile, as he gazed to the sky. Coming to his senses from his thoughts, "well, I mean...she's a really great friend. And I feel like I can be myself around her." He smiles and Lady bug blushes.

"Do you like her Chatton?" Lady bug was hesitant to know the answer. If he accepted that he likes her, she wouldn't know what to do. She decided to move on from Adrien. But now Luka has come into her life.


she closed her eyes. She wanted to stop him from answering.

"I don't know..." Lady bug turned to him. For some reason she felt disappointed.

"I see..."

"Yes, I suppose so." Cat Noir turned to Lady bug and smirked. "Are you jealous My Lady?"

"W-What?!" Lady bug flustered. "Of course not!" she yelled smacking him on the back.

"Ow ow...My Lady...I'm kidding!" Cat Noir laughed trying to save himself from Lady bugs, unusually strong smacks.

Lady bug pouted.

"I'm sorry, My Lady." He tried to comfort her. "I just couldn't help myself."

"Whatever...silly cat."

Cat Noir smiled. His miraculous beeped. He was running out of time.

"It appears that I've got get back." Cat Noir said as she stood up. "You should head home too My Lady."

"Yeah, I suppose that I've got to go too." She touched her miraculous which began to beep as well.

"Well then, I shalt bid My Lady farewell." He bowed to Lady bug. 'So gentleman like.' She smiled.

"Au-revoir chatton!"

"Au-revoir Lady Bug. I enjoyed this rather short but pleasant conversation."

"As did I. Merci Chatton."

"Merci My Lady."

*Au-revoir – 'Good bye' in French

*Merci – 'thank you' in French

Hi guys,

hope you like the chapter...sorry for the late update. I wasn't keeping too well. I'll try my best to update weekly. thank you. love you.

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