Part 22- Release

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Ps. This is just my creation, this may never really happen in the series, its just my silly imagination. You can read it if you like or just ignore it.

----we continue----

"Good bye, Father." Adrien released the cataclysm.

"Adrien No!" Marinette ran towards him and faltered his aim. It passed Gabriel by the edge and exploded on the wall. Gabriel was thrown away with the blast. Chat, Marinette and Kagami also were thrown back.

"Urrgghhh" Marinette groaned.

"What the-" Chat settled him self. His eyes caught Marinette who was in pain. His eyes widened. "Marinette!" He rushed to her aid. "Marinette...are you okay?" He held her in his arms.

"A-Adrien?" Marinette murmured. She could barely stay awake.

"Marinette...I...I'm so sorry."

Marinette smiled faintly. "Its fine Kitty," She reached her hand to his face wearily. "But this isn't you. I fell in love with my Chat Noir...not Chat Blanc. So please...bring my Chaton back. I want to see his beautiful emerald eyes, and his sweet smile he always gave out."


"Please...I want to see my Kitty. My Chat Noir." Marinette flinched.


Gabriel slowly steadied himself. He sees Chat Blanc holding Marinette in his arms. He reaches into his pockets and takes out the Ladybug and Cat Noir miraculous'. "I've come this far...I will bring her back." He stands up and rushes to Emilia who was asleep (Or dead...i dunno). Marinette and Chat Blanc sees him rushing towards her.

"Father No!" Chat Blanc cries.

Gabriel merges the miraculous' after turning into Hawk Moth and inserts it into the pod. A bright light shined and everyone was pushed aback. Once the light dimed out, Everyone looked to see what had happened. The pod was still the same. Emilia was still inside without any movement. The miraculous' had fallen onto the floor. It didn't work. Nothing worked.

"What?" Gabriel trembled. "No...She's supposed to wake up. It was supposed to work." Gabriel collapsed onto his knees. He was trembling. Chat Blanc also looked shocked. Marinette was faintly able to see what was happening.

"I...I remember in the book, it was said that...even if the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculous' are powerful enough to bring a person back to life....It can never bring back the person whole heartedly, specially if it is forced." Marinette barely uttered the words.

"What do you mean?" Gabriel turned half way.

"You...forced the miraculous' to bring her back, although it would seem it has worked, all it did was release her from the pain she is already going through."

"The pain she is already going through?" Gabriel questioned.

"You have to release her Mr. Agreste. She needs to be free."

"But then...our family wont be the same it was...and Adrien..."

"Seeing her suffer would hurt me more father..." Chat said with his head lowered. "And our family would be the same even without mom. We just need to keep our relationship intact." He turned to his father with a smile.

Gabriel looked at his son, then lowered his head and then turned to his wife, "I'm sorry Emelia, I couldn't do it. I cant hurt my son anymore." He slowly got to his feet and opened the pod. The moment he opened the pod, a wind blew and the flowers that surrounded her twirled around her. A figure of Emilia appeared startling everyone in the room.

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