Part 19 - Betrayer

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P.S This character is one of my own creations. It is not part of the miraculous series.

Adrien ran through the streets hoping to get to the Dupain Cheng bakery and confess his feelings to Marinette as soon as possible.

"Kid! slow down!" Plagg cried from inside Adrien's jacket.

"I cant Plagg. I want to see her. I want to tell her how much she means to me. I want to tell her that I am Cat Noir. I want to tell her that I love her so much that I want to die."

"I understand that you want to tell her all of that Adrien. But you have to think this through. What if Hawk Moth gets to you once you reveal your identity to her?"

"Marinette would never let that happen. She's Marinette." Adrien said as he ran. Plagg although felt sick with the rush, liked this. Adrien was finally going to confess. The secret between Marinette and Adrien was finally going to get revealed. As he ran he almost passed the television shop that was broadcasting a news. He paused in his steps and came back to see it. It was the Dupain Cheng bakery. It was under an akuma attack. Adrien's eyes were filled with fright when he sees the akuma holding Marinette hostage.

"Marinette!" Adrien shouted almost breaking the glass case.

"Adrien what are we going to do?"

"We have to save her Plagg! That's what we are going to do." Adrien quickly ran to an alley where he transformed into Cat Noir.

*At the bakery*

People; Marinette's friends, the surrounding people, all had gathered around the bakery. Luka and Marinette's parents continued to break through into Marinette's bedroom but had no luck.

"Marinette!" Aly-a cried out. "Where's Lady bug and Cat Noir!" Everyone began to panic. People shouted.

"Kagami. Why are you doing this? This is not you! Fight this!" Marinette tried to talk to her while she squirmed in Betrayer's grasps.

"Shut Up Marinette!" Betrayer cried. "I trusted you. But you stole his heart. I hate you."

"What are you talking about Kagami? I didn't steal anyone's heart. I don't even know who you are talking about."

Betrayer grabbed Marinette's cheeks. "Adrien!" She glared at Marinette. "You stole his heart." Marinette looked at her shocked. 'What did she mean that I stole Adrien's heart?'

"I thought you were my friend Marinette. But you turned out to be friends with me so that you could win Adrien's love didn't you?"

"What are you talking about Kagami? Yes it was true that i liked Adrien way before you did. But I have moved on. I like someone else!"

"Liar! I wont spare you. I'll use you as bait for Lady bug and Cat Noir and get their Miraculous' for Hawk Moth!"

"Kagami Hawk Moth is trying to use you. You have to snap out of this. Fight it Kagami!"

"You're to noisy Marinette. Guess I need to shut you up." Betrayer hold Marinette in the air. Everyone startled when they saw what was happening.

"K-Kagami w-what are you doing?"

"If I cant have Adrien, neither can you." She lets go of Marinette. Marinette screams as she falls. People in the street also scream. Marinette closes her eyes. Suddenly She is caught in Cat Noir's arms. The moment he held her Marinette gripped onto him tightly. There were sighs of relief from the crowd, and Betrayer gave out a smirk. Cat Noir landed on a building.

"Marinette? Marinette are you okay?" Cat Noir worried for her. Marinette was trembling in his arms still with her eyes closed and began to let out a few tears. Cat Noir seeing her state, raged. He turned to Betrayer and glared. His eyes were filled with anger. They looked like the eyes of a wild cat that almost lost its cubs. Betrayer smirked.

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