Part 12- Distraction.

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Adrien walked up to his car, while Marinette stayed behind. She watched what he did. She sees Adrien saying something to his bodyguard, and as Adrien finished he walked back to the driver's door, got in and drew off, leaving Adrien behind.

"What is he doing?" Marinette said still peeping and watching what Adrien did.

Adrien turned towards Marinette's direction and waved his hand. Marinette waved back. He gave a gesture to follow him. Marinette tightened her fists.

'Hope this works.'

She followed him slowly. He opened the door to the bakery and entered. Marinette peeped through the window.

When Adrien entered the bakery, the expression of Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng's faces was rather surprising.

"Adrien!" Mr. Dupain Cheng called out giving a big smile. "Well, isn't this a surprise!"

"Hello, Mr. Dupain Cheng." Adrien greeted with a smile. "It's nice to-" He was cut short, by Mr. Dupain Cheng as he wrapped his arms around the boy and embraced him.

"Oh! It's very nice to see you!"

"Y-yes, it's nice to see you too Mr. Dupain Cheng." Adrien forced himself to get his words out of the strong embrace.

"Tom, you're going to get the boy to run out of breadth." Mrs. Dupain Cheng said.

"Oh my!" Mr. Dupain Cheng exclaimed and then put the boy back on his feet. "I'm sorry about that my boy."

Adrien smiled. "Oh it's nothing Mr. Dupain Cheng."

"How have you been Adrien?" Mrs. Dupain Cheng said as she held the boy by the shoulders. "How is your father?"

"I'm good. Thank you." Adrien smiled at her. "Father is fine too."

"That's good to hear." Mrs. Dupain Chen said. Mr. Dupain Chen also smiled patting Adrien on the shoulder.

"Now that you're here, Marinette will be very happy too." Mr. Dupain Chen cried out, making Adrien and Marinette who is trying to sneak into the house, to get startled. "Wait, I'll call her-"

"No!" Adrien called out. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Chen startled. They looked at him rather confused. "Umm...what I mean is, I just came to the bakery to get some croissants. I wouldn't want to disturb her when she is working." Marinette let out a sigh.

"Nonsense!" Mr. Dupain Chen cried. "Sabine! call our girl!"

"No, Mrs. Dupain Chen, really, there is no need-"

"Mom! Dad! I'm done!" Marinette cried walking into the bakery. Adrien looked shocked.

"Marinette! See who has come!" Mr. Dupain Chen cried pulling Adrien by the shoulders to show him to Marinette.

"Adrien?" Marinette looked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah! well, I came to get some croissants."

"I see." Marinette smiled. She turned to her father. "Papa?"

"Yes Mari?"

"The croissant tray is empty." She said pointing to the show-case.

"Oh my! It seems so." Mr. Dupain Chen scratched his head. He turned to Adrien, "Adrien, why not you spend some time with Marinette till we get some freshly baked croissants for you."

"I-I'm sorry?"

"What a great idea!" Mrs. Dupain Chen said clapping. Marinette and Adrien looked at each other.

"Umm...yeah, okay." Marinette said as she grabbed Adrien by his wrist and dragged him. Adrien was surprised. "Call us down when you're done!" She dragged him upstairs to her room. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Chen chuckled.

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