Part 18 - Thankyou Luka

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Marinette thought of Cat Noir while she drew some clothing designs on her note book. She didn't realize Tikki was calling for her.


Tikki's voice finally got through. "Huh?" Marinette came to her senses.

"Marinette do you realize how many times I called you? Which world were you in?"

"Sorry Tikki...i was just lost in thought." Marinette chuckled sarcastically.

"Hmmm...i think i know what you were lost in thought about." Tikki said as she pointed her little hand to Marinette's notebook. She had unconsciously drawn Cat Noir. And that too a rather sexy sketch of him. Marinette's face turned bright red.

"Ahhh! Urmmm that's not what I...haa."

"That's okay Marinette. I understand what you are feeling." Tikki patted Marinette's head. "But then...what are you going to do about Luka?" Marinette paused. "You do realize that he likes you right Marinette?"

Marinette lowered her head. "I have to talk to him about that. But...i don't know how to start."

"Just tell him Marinette. Or its going to get complicated."

"Yeah i know Tikki."

"I'll tell him next time we meet."

"That's good."

Marinette and Tikki shared a smile.

"Marinette!" Mrs. Dupain Cheng called out from the bakery. "Marinette, your friend Luka is here!" Marinette startled. She turned to Tikki who was also shocked and turned to Marinette.

"What?!" Marinette cried. "I'm not ready for this!" Marinette began to panic.

"Marinette calm down. And you know that you've got to do this. Just tell him."

"But Tikki, what if i hurt him?"

"He will understand you Marinette." Tikki assured her. "Its better now than later."

"You're right Tikki. I have to do this."

"That's my girl."

Marinette walks down to the bakery and sees Luka standing at the door with a boquet of flowers in his hand. Marinette paused in her steps.

"Hey Mari." Luka waved. "I bought you these hoping to cheer you up from what happened today."

"You didn't have to, Luka."

"I wanted to." He said giving a bright smile. He looked so handsome, so adorable. She realized what made her fall for him in the first place. It wasn't only his looks, it was his character, his caring nature, his smile. Marinette didn't want to lose that. If she said something she worried she'd never see that again. But she needed to tell him. He needed to know that she loves someone else.

"Luka..." She began. "I have to tell you something."

"Sure. I'll listen to anything you have to say."

"Can you come to my room? I need to tell you this privately. Please."

"Umm...sure." Luka said as he followed Marinette to her room. Once inside, Marinette closed the door behind her. Luka's face showed a rather hesitant and worried look. "Marinette? Is everything okay?"


"Is something bothering you?"

"Luka...I'm sorry." Luka froze.

"Whats wrong Marinette?"

"I'm sorry Luka. I cant return your feelings towards me." Marinette finally said it. "I...I like someone else Luka. Someone I really care about. Someone I want to see smile everyday. Someone I want to protect. Someone I want to be there for. And he too loves me dearly." Luka's head was lowered. His bright smile had disappeared. "I'm sorry Luka...I-"

"That's okay Marinette." Luka said interrupting her. "I understand." He looked at Marinette. He gave out a faint yet caring smile. He had expected it anyway. "But may I ask who the lucky guy is who stole your heart? Is it Adrien?"

Marinette shook her head. "No. Someone else. I can't really tell you who it is Luka."

"That's fine. I'm just glad I was able to at least get to know you. That I got to fall in Love you Marinette. To be there for you when you needed me." Luka's words were so loving, so caring yet so painful. "I understand. I'm just glad you finally found someone who you truly love, and who loves you back. Who loves you for you." He walked towards Marinette and hugged her. "But if there is anything that is troubling you, if he decides to let you go, know that I'm still here for you. You can come to me when ever you feel like it." He looses himself from the embrace and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "Thankyou for coming into my life Marinette."

Marinette's eyes began to fill with tears. "Thankyou too Luka for coming into my life. I'll never forget you." Luka reached his hand and wiped her tears.

"Don't cry Marinette. It doesn't suit you. And if this person who is seeing you right now finds out you cried for me...he may have a misunderstanding."

"Luka..." Marinette said trying to hit Luka.

"Woah woah! don't try to ruin my face. How would i find a girl if you ruin my face?" The two of them shared a sweet, playful moment. "But please do accept these flowers Mon Cherie. I bought them for you."

"Thankyou Luka." Marinette chuckled as she took the boquet from him. "For understanding me."

"I always did Marinette. And I always will." They both shared a smile. "I better get going now. I'll se you around?"

"Yes of course!"

"Okay. Good bye Marinette."

"Good bye Luka."

Luka waved and began to get down the stairs until there was an explosion in the room making Marinette get thrown to the wall and Luka down the stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng both startled at the loud noise and even at Luka being thrown down the stairs.

"Kid!" Mr. Dupain Cheng cried as he rushed towards him. "Are you okay?" He helped Luka up.


"Tom! Marinette is upstairs!" Mrs. Dupain Cheng cried.

"Marinette!" Mr. Dupain Cheng cried as he rushed upstairs. But the door swung shut.

Marinette slowly regained consciousness and sees an akumatized victim. "Who are you?" But then, she slowly began to see a similarity. It was Kagami. She had been Akumatized.

"I'm betrayer! You will pay for stealing him from me Marinette Dupain Cheng."

Marinette lay startled on the floor. How would she turn into Ladybug to stop this? She needed a distraction. But what? Then only thing that came to her mind was, "Cat Noir where are you?"

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