Part 15 - Kiss

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Marinette came back into her room, where she found Cat Noir asleep on the couch. She smiled. "He must have been exhausted." She walked to her bed to grab a blanket to cover him up and found Plagg enjoying himself after his meal of cheese. "Did you like it Plagg?" Marinette whispered.

"Yes Marinette. I enjoyed it." Plagg said rubbing his belly. Marinette took the blanket and walked towards the sleeping kitty. She tucked him up and kissed his forehead which made him give out a slight smile in his sleep. Marinette smiled. She sat beside him and pet his head. His hair felt so soft. Plagg flew next to her and the sleeping boy.

"Did something happen?" Marinette asked Plagg.

"Yeah...His Dad really went harsh on him today. They had an argument, and he kinda let out everything he felt on his dad. I didn't know what to do, so I brought you up to him, and he felt like he just wanted to meet you so bad. We didn't want to cause you any problem Marinette. Sorry."

"That's okay Plagg. I'm glad that you brought him here. He feels much more relaxed."

"Yeah he does. I guess... he just feels really comfortable around you Marinette."

"Of course he would Plagg. I am his Lady after all."

"Maybe... but honestly I don't think it's because you are his Lady Marinette. Its just because its... You." Marinette stared at the sleeping boy.

"I don't think so Plagg. He loves Lady bug. I don't know how he would be if he knew I am Lady bug. I'm just an utter disappointment."

"No you're not Marinette." Plagg said. "You're the best person who Tikki and Master Fu chose for Lady bug. Marinette smiled. She gently patted the little Kwami on the head.

"Thank you Plagg. That is so sweet of you."

"That's the first good compliment you have ever said Plagg." Tikki says as she flew out of her hiding place, next to Plagg and Marinette.

"Tikki!" Plagg exclaims as he sprinted to Tikki and gave her a big hug. "Oh how much I missed you!"

"Plagg get off me!" Tikki groans as she tries to release her self from his grip. Marinette watching the behavior of the Kwamies broke into laughter.

"Well aren't you two cute." Marinette says to tease Tikki.

"Marinette! Help me!" Tikki calls out.

"Oh Tikki" Plagg continues to hug her more, while Marinette continued to laugh. Cat Noir began to stir in his sleep. His eyes began o open. Plagg quicky released Tikki and she quickly returned back to her hiding spot.

"M-Marinette?" Cat Noir says as he sits back on the couch, scratching his head.

"Had a good nap Kitty?" Marinette patted to boy on his head.

"Yeah...I did. Thank you." He looked at the blanket he was covered with, then turned to Marinette. "This?..."

"It was to keep you warm. You can sleep more if you like."

"No, I'm fine. I had a good nap. Thankyou Princess. I feel like im troubling you."

"No you're not Chat." Marinette says sternly. "I'm happy to help."

"What were you doing Princess? I heard you laughing?"

"Oh! did I wake you up? I'm sorry. I was just talking with Plagg."

"No its were talking with Plagg?"


"What were you talking about?"

"Oh nothing just some things."

"There was nothing else he said right?"

"No...why would you ask that? Is there something I don't need to know?"

"What? No! Of course not."

"Okay..." Marinette gives out a sneaky smile. "Guess, I'm going to have to put you back to sleep for me to ask Plagg about it."

"No!" Cat Noir pulls Marinette by the wrist, where she fall and ends up on top of him. Marinette and Cat Noir shared an eye lock. Marinette, along with Cat Noir, turned bright red.

"Uhhhhhs-sorry...I'll just-" Marinette tries to get off him, but they both lose their balance and falls on the floor, with Cat Noir on top of her this time."

"Ahh....! I'm so sorry..." Cat Noir tries to get off her. But Marinette garbs him by the neck and kisses him. Cat Noir startled. The kiss felt so real. So warm. He began to enjoy it. They stopped to get some air, until Marinette finally realized and pushed him off.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I- I don't know what came up on me...I'm so sorry-"

Cat Noir pulls her close and kisses her. Marinette, looking stunned first, but then kisses him back. "I Love you Marinette ." Cat Noir whispered. Marinette finally realizing, pushed him back again.

"I'm sorry Chat. I'm just...not ready yet. I shouldn't have kissed you first. I-I"

"Marinette...What do you mean?"

"I mean...there is someone else I like...and..." Marinette's eyes began to tear. "I dot think I can...I'm sorry...I cant..."

"Is it Adrien?"



"It's Luka."

Cat Noir froze. His heart began to ache. If she said it was Adrien, He was going to reveal who he was. But her response was different. "I see... I'm sorry Marinette. for causing you problems..."


"I wont try to interfere between the two of you. But I hope...we can still be friends?"

"Of course! We are really good friends anyway."

"That's good..." There was a silence between the two. "Its getting late...I really should head back...or Father would wonder where I am..." He gave out a smile. "Plagg, Claws out!" The boy turned into Cat Noir. "Thankyou Princess...for taking care of me. I'll return the clothes back to you once I wash them up."

" keep them..." Marinette said rather sadly. "I made them for you anyway." She gave out a faint smile. Cat Noir felt his heart throb.


"Please come and talk to me when ever you feel like it." Marinette says as she grabbed him by the wrist. Her eyes showed desperation. Cat Noir nodded.

"I will." He said giving a faint smile.

"Promise me." Marinette tightened her grip. "Promise me you would come and talk. Promise me you wouldn't hold your problems in."

Cat Noir felt rather hesitant. He reached out his hand and released himself from her grip. "I promise." He jumped out the window. "Good night Princess."

"Good Night Chaton. Stay safe."

Cat Noir smiled. "You too. Good luck with Luka." He said and left from there, heading back to his home. Marinette staring out through the window, knew that he wouldn't keep that promise. That he felt hurt. That she felt hurt. She didn't know why she kissed him. But she like every part of it. She...seemed
She truly loved him.

Hi guys!

I'm back! Sorry if I took too long...I had a lot going on with school and home and other stuff... Yeah...anyway...hope you like the chapter... Please vote and means a lot... hopefully, I can update again weakly, but if I don't...please bear with me. Thankyou for everything! Specially with the 1.3K views up until now.

Love you guys! Take care. Stay safe.

See you next week.

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