Part 14 - Change

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Cat Noir finally calmed down. Marinette brought a glass of water for him. "Here. Drink some water Chat." She held the glass to him. He took it from her hand still staring at the floor.

"Thank you Marinette."

"You feeling better now, Chaton?" Marinette sat next to the boy.

"Yeah...Thank you Marinette." He drank water from the glass. Suddenly the Miraculous started beeping rapidly. His time had run out. He turned to Marinette worried. Marinette noticed and quickly took him by the hand and led him to her bathroom.

"Stay here...I'll make sure no one would see you."


"Trust me." She looked him in the eye an smiled. "I'll try find you a change. You can spend the night here if you want to. Okay?"

Cat Noir smiled. "Thank you, Marinette." Marinette nodded and closed the door with Cat Noir behind. Cat Noir, inside the bathroom transformed back into Adrien. He gazed at the locked door hoping Marinette would still be behind that door that separated them. He walked towards it, and placed his palm and forehead on the door. Marinette also outside the door, placed her palm and forehead on the door. It was just like the first time they really wanted to reveal each others' identity, as Lady bug and Cat Noir.


Marinette rummaged through some old clothes of her dad's hoping to look for something that Cat Noir could wear while he waited at her place, but she ha no luck. She remembered the black Cat Noir sweater she had made for him. She rummaged through the clothes and finally found it. "Yes!" She exclaimed. She found a spare black mask she had, a cat ear hair-band, and finally some clothes that may fit him. "Hope it fits." She rushed to her room and to the bathroom. She knocked on the door, "Chat, I got some clothes. Open the door slightly and take them." The boy behind the door, opened the door slightly and took the clothes Marinette lent him.

"Thank you, Princess."

"Do you need anything else Chat? Something for your Kwami?"

"Umm...yes please. Camembert if you would have, please Marinette."


"Its okay if you don't have it Marinette. Anything would be fine otherwise."

"I'll try to see if there is anything." She said and turned to leave, But walked back to the door, "Once you're done changing please make your self comfortable, till I get back. Okay?"

"Yes, Thank you Princess. I'm sorry for the trouble."

"Oh its nothing. I'd do anything for a friend." Cat Noir, behind the door had transformed back to Adrien, and was leaning on the door on his back, listening to Marinette. "I'll go get something for your Kwami. Would you like anything Chat?"

"Nothing Princess. I'm fine. The camembert is enough." His voice sounded shaky. Marinette noticed the tone of his voice and dared not ask anything more.

"Okay...I'll get it. You change up." Marinette left her room to get some Camembert for the Plagg. (Marinette already knows Plagg because she had turned into Cat Noir once in a battle)

Adrien, inside the bathroom stared at the clothes that Marinette gave, then pulled them closer to his face. It smelled so much of Marinette. That warmth and care that she gave out, the clothes felt as if he was hugging her, close to him. He smiled.

"Adrien, aren't you going to change up?"

"Huh? Oh yes." Adrien focusing, began changing into the clothes Marinette gave.

"Marinette's really caring isn't she? Why couldn't you fall in love with her instead of Lady Bug?"

"Plagg, I didn't even know Marinette then. How would you expect me to like her when I didn't even know her? I fell in love with Ladybug the moment I saw her, and I wanted to keep it that way."

"Yeah, and you saw Marinette who cared for you more than anyone, just as a friend."

Adrien frowned at Plagg. "Shut up Plagg."

"What? Isn't it the truth?" Adrien knew Plagg was right. Marinette was the one who cared for him the most. She gave up on a lot just to see him happy. But he had never returned those feelings back to her. "But ya know...It's not to late. Show Marinette how you feel Adrien. If not as Adrien, at least as Cat Noir. Or you're gonna lose her."

Adrien, finally changing into the clothes, looked at the mirror in front of him. He looked at the mask in his hand. He put it on along with the cat ears. He looked like Cat Noir in a daily wear. He let out a sigh, turned, opened the door and entered Marinette's room, with Plagg following right behind. Just as soon as he entered her room, Marinette entered with a tray that had a plate of croissants, a glass of milk and a plate of cheese in her hand. "I'm sorry Chat, I didn't really have any Camembert, so I brought some cheese. Is it okay?"

"Oh yes! Its perfectly fine." Pagg quickly flew towards Marinette who held the cheese in hand.

"Hey Plagg! Don't get so excited."

"Oh that's fine." Marinette chuckled. "Here you go 'Plagg'" Marinette said winking at the Kwami. Plagg winked back at her.

"I'm sorry Marinette. He just really likes stinky cheese."

"I can see that." Marinette smiled. "So, his name is Plagg?"

"Oh Yes, Sorry. Let me introduce my Kwami Plagg. Plagg, Marinette. My Princess."

"You mean 'our' Princess." Plagg corrected him, making him and Marinette blush. "She's our Princess because we gave her the term 'Princess', when you and I were Cat Noir on that first day you were her body guard with Evilistrator." Marinette and disguised Cat Noir looked at each other.

"Oh yeah...I remember." Cat Noir scratched his head rather embarrassingly. "Even then, you knew exactly what to do, Marinette. I was kinda hopeless that day. I even got us trapped in that box."

"Oh it was nothing...It just came to my mind that time. It was the most obvious thing that we could have done."

"You were awesome that day." He said gazing at her. Marinette turned to him, and looked him straight in the eyes. He was smiling lovingly at her. For some reason, he looked unusually cute in that outfit and the fake cat ears. Marinette turned bright red. She quickly shoved the tray at him, "I brought you some croissants. Eat up. I-I need to use the rest room." She rushed to the restroom right after. Cat Noir looked confused. Then he finally realized what happened and turned bright red as well.

"Man... you two should really confess to each other." Plagg cried out with his mouth stuffed with cheese. Tikki watching everything while hidden, was annoyed with Plagg who was being such a pain.

"Gosh that silly cat." Tikki grunted.

Marinette, in the bathroom was still red as ever. Her face felt a burning sensation. "What is this feeling?!"

Hi guys!
Hope you like the chapter.

I'm really sorry guys, but I will be going on a small haitus for sometime, as im a bit busy with school work and other personal stuff. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try my best to update as soon as possible. Please wait for me. Love you guys. Take care. Stay safe. See you soon.

But please do,
Vote and Comment, and share your ideas and thoughts about my story.

Bye bye.

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