Part 20 - Reveal

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*Ps. This picture does not belong to me.

Lady bug and Cat Noir were in Betrayer's grasps. The rest of the heroes couldn't do anything.

"You all are going to remove your miraculous' and hand them over to me. Not only would Hawk Moth have the Lady bug and Cat Noir miraculous', he'd have every other miraculous as well."

"And what makes you think we'd hand over the miraculous' to you?" Reina Rouge cried.

"Yeah! we'll never hand over the miraculous' to you!" Carapace supported.

"You let go of Lady Bug and Cat Noir!" King Monkey shouted. Lady Bug and Cat noir turned to each other and smiled. They were so happy that their friends are brave and supportive. But they didn't want to drag their friends into this much longer.

Betrayer laughed. She tightened her grip on Lady bug and Cat Noir.

"Aaarrgghhh!!" Lady Bug and Cat Noir groaned. The heroes froze in their words.

"You either give me your miraculous', or they will account for it."

"Just give them the miraculous'! We'll be fine!" Lady Bug cried. Betrayer turned to Lady bug. She grinned.

"Well aren't you very sensible Lady Bug." Betrayer leaned towards Lady Bug. "Well, that is the job of a leader anyway, to take what ever for the team." Lady Bug backed up.

"Hey!" Cat Noir called out. "Get away from her!" He glared at her. He looked like a wild cat.

" the kitty worried that I'd hurt his Lady?" Betrayer smirked. She grabbed Lady bug's face. You are anyway going to experience a bit of pain. By watching each other feel the pain of loss." She turned to the rest of the heroes. "Your Miraculous'" She reached out her hand. Nothing was able to be done.

"What are we going to do? Are we going to hand over the miraculous?" Queen Bee questioned.

"Are you crazy? We cant just back down." Rena Rouge said.

"We don't have an option. If we don't give the miraculous' they're going to make Lady Bug and Cat Noir suffer." Everyone silenced. " And besides, Lady Bug herself told us to do it."

"But i don't see the reason to give them."

"Don't you trust Lady Bug and Cat Noir? What ever they are doing, I'm sure Lady Bug has a plan." Everyone sighed with regret, then they all removed their miraculous' and handed them over to Betrayer.

"What good little friends you have Lady Bug." Betrayer collected the miraculous.

"Now let go of Lady Bug and Cat Noir!" Pegasus cried.

Betrayer chuckled. "Oh! About that...I'm afraid i cant do that." She uses her powers to push all of the heroes away. The heroes were all startled and defeated. "Thankyou for the Miraculous'! I'll be taking Lady Bug and Cat Noir now. Good bye Losers!" Betrayer leaves with Lady Bug and Cat Noir while the rest of the heroes were all left behind without any powers. They were pointless now.


"Betrayer, Make sure that Lady Bug and Cat Noir would not see where you'll be bringing them." Hawk Moth spoke to his Akuma.

"Why Hawk Moth?"

"Don't question me you fool. Just do what I tell you to." Hawk Moth said furiously.

"Yes Master. I'm sorry for questioning."

"Good. Now hurry up."

"Yes Master." She turned to Lady Bug and Cat Noir, who were under her grasp.

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