He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

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Harry didn't know what to make of his and Louis' car spat. The rest of the weekend went just as poorly. Not only was the tension between the two of them as thick as the older boy's thighs, but with each day that passed, Louis was closer to leading his team to their first victory. Each day the boy became a little more insufferable.

Harry collected his things for his last period study hall. The worst part of Monday was over and he was glad to wind down with his friends before heading home for the day.

He slammed his locker door to find Louis standing behind it. "Jesus!" Harry shouted while holding his hand to his chest.

"Easy, love." Louis' face lit up at the panic he caused him.

"What are you doing over here? Don't you have English this period?" Harry collected himself.

"Don't tell me you're stalking me now Styles." He leaned against his locker with an arm behind his back.

"Well, that'd be ironic wouldn't it?" Harry teased back because for the first time since last week he seemed to be doing okay.

Louis took out a fake rose from behind his back. "I was running late this morning. I went to get gas and saw this. I thought of you. I didn't write you a love letter this morning and I didn't want you to get to thinking I forgot about you." He smiled endearingly.

Harry couldn't help but melt under the brightness of his smile. He took the rose and studied the faux flower instead of the oceanic blue in Louis' eyes.

"I never congratulated you on your new position." Louis struggled to turn his charm off and just be sincere. "It suits you. You'll do amazing."

Harry was taken back by the gesture. Louis was never one to be this sincere. Harry couldn't help the small smile forming as he looked at the flower. "Thank you." He looked him in the eyes again.

"I-um. I also got you this." He pulled a ticket from the front pocket of his jeans. "Captain privileges." He chuckled nervously. "Do you think you'll be able to make it?" He asked with a note of concern.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as if that was a stupid question. "Of course." He smiled fully for the boy.

Louis let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Good. So, one more thing." Louis looked a bit nervous again but he hid it well. "Some of the other guys are having the girlfriends and boyfriends and whatnot make them signs for the first game."

"And you want me to make yours?" Harry didn't have to let Louis finish.

Louis raised his eyebrows and the boy suggestively. "You are quite creative." He brushed a curl behind the boy's ear.

Harry wanted to cave into his touch. "What are you gonna do for me in return?" Harry felt himself falling into the witty banter he was accustomed to with Louis.

Louis' eyebrows jumped up at the question. He moved in closer to Harry and hooked his index finger around his shirt collar. "What do you want in return?"

Red flags were going off in Harry's mind. This was dangerous territory. He knew that. Louis' scent filled the space between them and suddenly Harry had a few good ideas of how the boy could repay him. Harry bit his lip as the world around them started to fall away. He put his hand over Louis' as it lingered on his chest. "I'll let you know." He moved past Louis.

He turned himself around and started walking backward. He admired the rose one more time. "Thanks again." He nodded before turning himself around and rushing off to his study hall.


Harry took his seat next to Zayn and in front of Liam. He stuck his rose gently in his bag and made sure not to let anything squish it.

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