The Blame Game

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"I can't believe we got dumped." Anna said expressionless as she took another sip of her drink. Halfway through the night and all they had done since the three of them left was mope around Zayn's basement.

"Zayn started it." Louis didn't mean to point fingers but he wasn't drunk enough to care.

"Yeah. What the hell Zayn?" She agreed. "You had to break up with her on her birthday?"

"It's bit more complicated than that. I didn't mean to 'break up' with her." He used air quotes.

"Oh, please elaborate." Anna folded her arms.

"I just, like, you know...wanted to explore the idea of us just being friends again. You know?"

"Jesus, Zayn how else was she supposed to take that?" Anna raised her voice.

Louis couldn't help but crack up. The whole situation was absolutely messed up. "So, basically he didn't want to break up he just wanted an annulment." Louis laughed even harder.

"Shut up, Louis! I still think this is like ninety-five percent your fault. I mean come on. My brother?" She shuddered like the thought was repulsing.

Louis wanted to scream. He wanted to defend himself. He wanted them to know how fucked up that night was. He wanted them to see him for who he really was. But he was her brother and he was sure nobody would believe him now. "We all messed up." Was all that came out.

"I'd like to go on record saying that my only crime was following Louis' advice." Liam corrected him.

"Like I said. We all messed up." Louis continued. "But we have to stick together. I mean who are they to just dump on us like that? Like they're so perfect."

"I mean. I can't say I blame them." Liam chimed in again. "I mean you really screwed with Harry's love life there."

"It's what we do. It's what we've always done. And you know what, I'm sorry but I don't see how that's any of his business. He just loves to be the hero. Niall the hero." Okay, so Louis was starting to feel his third drink right about now. "I mean I get it with Olivia. He's like in love with her or whatever. But Harry? It's like been his whole life mission to prove that Harry loves him more than me. And you know what? That's so shitty. So, you know. I don't even care now." Louis felt like his thoughts were racing.

"He's in love with Olivia?" Zayn asked.

"Duh." Anna rolled her eyes.

"You're missing the point." Louis interrupted him.

"What's the point Lou? We messed up. We need to make it right with those guys." Zayn was firm with Louis.

"You just can't. You can't." Louis panicked.

"Why not?" Zayn gave him a concerned look.

"Because...they hate me. They'll never forgive me and I just can't do this alone. I can't lose you guys too." Louis found himself tearing up. He was pathetic.

Zayn looked to Liam for the right answer. Liam must have said something with his eyes because Zayn turned back to Louis with a less reluctant face. "Fine. We'll wait till your ready. We'll stand by you, but no more bullshit. No more messing with Harry. No more giving Niall a hard time. Just...let us handle this."

Louis supposed that was good enough for now.

"You've got to be kidding." Anna shook her head at her phone.

"What's wrong?" Liam sat up.

Anna didn't answer, she just stared at her phone screen like she was waiting for it to change.

"Looks like they found a replacement already." She threw her phone at Louis.

Louis grabbed the phone to see what was causing such a reaction. She had Olivia's Snapchat story pulled up. There was a video of Harry dancing with Diana at the skating rink. The filter said 'love birds'.

Louis had felt actual pain in his heart. He couldn't believe his eyes. He looked so happy. He looked so alive. He really found someone else. He was falling in love with someone that wasn't him.

"You realize this is your fault right?" Anna stood over Louis. "You couldn't keep it in your pants and now she's out with him. God, Louis. Do you think about anybody but yourself? How am I supposed to-"

"Hey, c'mon now. That's a little harsh." Liam interjected.

"You don't get it, okay? You've never had to stand by and watch the person you care about fall for somebody else. It fucking sucks. I hate feeling like this. I hate that I can't even hate him because he's supposed to be my friend. I hate that she doesn't look at me like that." She slowly sat back down as her eyes started to fill with tears.

Liam got up and sat down next to her. He put an arm around her. "I know." He held her tight. "We'll get through this together."

Louis saw it. The way he was with her. Zayn was right. He was good at that.

Louis couldn't help but be jealous of the girl right now. He just wanted someone to tell him he'd be okay. That he'd make it out on the other side of this heartache.

Louis felt his phone buzzing in his back pocket. It was Lottie. "What is it, Lot?" He answered.

"What did you do?" She asked exasperated.

"Yep, I'm gonna need you to be a little more specific." He was too drunk and tired and emotionally exhausted to beat around the bush.

"I'm pretty sure I just watched a full on brawl in the middle of our street." Lottie specified. "Why did Harry freak out on Tito? Did you tell him the truth?"

Panic flooded Louis' brain. "Is Harry okay? Why was Tito there?"

"He's okay. Tito came over looking for Anna and then left. I looked out the window because I heard shouting and then I saw Harry shove him and then Tito swung at him but Niall got to him first and then they just took off in Niall's car."

"Alright, I'm going to call and see if he's okay. I'll call you later." He hung up on his sister.

Louis scrambled to call Harry. "Woah. Woah. Woah. Why did my brother think I was at your place. I told him I was here. And what did Lottie mean by 'the truth?'" Anna stopped him.

He hadn't realized they had been listening in. All his friends were looking to him now. He was backed into a corner. He had to tell them the truth.

Truth hurts.

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