Lost and Found

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Louis managed to sneak the drunk girl with absolutely no discretion up to his sister's room. Lottie had cried herself to sleep. He could tell by the mascara stains on her cheeks. He hated seeing her like this.

She was always so put together, so for her to just break down like this meant this was really getting to her. When Louis sees that boy at school on Monday he'll be lucky if he makes it to lunch with his legs still intact.

"Lottie!" Anna yelled as she was kicking off her shoes.

"Shh!" Louis was still trying to keep a low profile.

She stumbled over to Lottie's bed and immediately climbed in to cuddle her. It made Louis happy to know Lottie had a friend tonight, but for a second Louis was curious...

There's no way.

He closed the door slowly behind him. Once the door was shut he let out a deep breath. This night had gone from perfect to shit in record time for Louis.

He found himself wandering outside back to the treehouse. He just wanted to remember how he had it all back for a moment. Louis couldn't remember what came over him as soon as he saw the younger girl. It was like something possessed him and told him to make sure she knew what was his.

Louis clenched his fist as he remembered how ugly he was towards her. Why couldn't he have just been the bigger person? Now she looks so innocent and Louis looks like the big bad ex-boyfriend. He rolled his eyes at the thought of Harry showing her sympathy.

He shook off the self-loathing thoughts and climbed up the tree. When he got inside he was surprised to find a rather lanky blonde sprawled out across one of the beanbags. "Niall?"

He hadn't heard him through a snore that sounded like the starting of a lawnmower. Louis lightly kicked him in the stomach to wake him up but if the boy could sleep through last week's fire drill he was going to need to use more drastic measures.

Louis pulled up a bullhorn noise on his phone and put it up to his ear. He clicked the button and the ear-piercing noise had the sleepy boy shooting up. "Shakira's got the meatloaf!" Niall shouted as he woke from his slumber.

Louis couldn't help but laugh. "What are you talking about?"

"Where am I? How did I get here?" He searched the room for answers.

"You tell me, mate." Louis stuck his phone back in his pocket.

"I don't know, I was upset..." Niall retraced his memories. "I went looking for Harry but I went the wrong way and then I don't know..."

"You came here? Why did you think Harry would be here." Louis couldn't help but wonder why Harry's best friend would assume he was with Louis. That had to be a good sign.

Niall thought it over very seriously. "I don't know, I'm drunk!" He made a good point.

Louis bit the inside of his cheek as he considered what had happened. "What made you so upset?"

"You wouldn't understand," Niall mumbled.

Louis took a seat on the beanbag next to him. The same beanbag he had just been in with Harry. "Wanna bet?"

Niall looked at him with a skeptical glare. "It's Zayn." He finally admitted after a long moment of uncomfortable silence. "And Olivia." He slumped back in his chair and stared at the wooden ceiling.

"Ahh." It wasn't entirely surprising to Louis.

"They kissed." He went on. "Which, is fine. Whatever." He minimized his feelings and Louis knew he was hesitant to confide in him. "It's just that Zayn told me over and over again that he wasn't into her and that they were 'never going to happen!'" Niall let out his frustrations as he sat forward again.

Louis was surprised Zayn would kiss Olivia back. He was almost positive he had no interest in her. "Did you tell him...how you felt about her?" Louis asked.

"Of course not. It's embarrassing. In what world would a girl like her choose a guy like me over Zayn Malik?" Niall usually got on Louis' nerves but for some reason, it really bugged him to hear the younger lad talk about himself like this.

"You know I love Zayn. He's one of my best mates and he's a great guy. But he doesn't hold a candle to you. Honestly, if he didn't join the team I'm not sure he would have said a word to anyone at school. You on the other hand. Sort of impossible not notice. Louder than life. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You don't even try and the whole school's ready to watch your comedy special on Netflix. Sort of drives me mad if you ask me." Louis didn't know where the sincere words were coming from.

"Now, I'm not saying Zayn's not a total babe with a big heart but I am telling you a girl like Olivia doesn't see that. She sees a mysterious popular boy that breaking down would make her feel pretty damn special. Honestly, given you tell her how you feel and give her the chance to choose for herself, I could see her being really happy with a guy like you." Louis had no idea what had gotten into him or why he was complimenting Niall Horan in his childhood treehouse, but he was genuinely happy to help a hurting heart.

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Niall teased him.

"Yeah...well, don't get used to it." Louis felt more comfortable now that he was back to giving him a hard time.

"Why are you being nice to me again?" Niall raised an eyebrow in suspicion but looked funny to Louis as he tried to keep his tired eyelids open.

"Because I'm hoping you'll remember this whole conversation as some completely unrealistic drunken dream." Louis chuckled.

"I dunno you've given me some leverage Tommo. I may have to tell everybody what a big softie you are." Niall cuddled back into the beanbag as if he planned to sleep there for the rest of the night.

Louis figured he'd regret going easy on him but he decided it was a problem for another night. "Yeah, see if anyone believes it."

Niall yawned endearingly. "You might be surprised." He hummed before instantly falling back asleep.

Welcome to the Broken Hearts Club. We meet in this treehouse on the thirteenth of each month. Bring whatever pieces of your heart you have left and a good sense of humor.

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